Posts Tagged ‘lampshade’

Gaza couples struggle with financial difficulties amidst social crisis

Mustafa Shareif, 26, thought it would take five years for his dream of getting married and starting a family to come true. The now father of a two-month-old baby boy got married in the summer of last year. After struggling to cover the high cost of the marriage, he received a grant that aided him in […]

Negro Fatigue: Cops Walk Out On Basketball Security Gig Because of BLM

ZeigerDaily Stormer July 14, 2016 They proudly display they support for killing cops. I can’t believe that in 2016 we still have cops who are from the KKK. I mean, just because a few people of color shot police officers, does that mean Black lives suddenly no longer have any value? Of course not. Thus […]

Black Lives Don’t Matter

Once again, the narratives that an inherently racist system comprised of police and White America at large is responsible for the deaths of two more Innocent Black MenTM are coming apart faster than Marc Lamont Hill refuting Black crime statistics on live television. Who saw that coming? Of course it doesn’t matter if you dress […]

Mainstream obits for Wiesel offer barely an asterisk for his intolerant views of Palestinians

The death of Elie Wiesel has been remarkable in exposing the fact that Israel supporters and Israel critics live on separate planets. In the mainstream media, Israel supporters have celebrated Wiesel as a universalist dedicated to remembering and exposing atrocities everywhere. These obituaries have left out Wiesel’s sad history of caring most about Jewish suffering, […]

Happening: Turks do Allah Akbar on Themselves Again

ZeigerDaily Stormer June 28, 2016 Sometimes, when there’s no infidel nearby, you gotta do a jihad in your own base. Something that most people often forget, is that while we seem to be getting attacked by Moslems non-stop, terrorism is even more intense in their own countries. This may seem counter-intuitive. After all, why would […]


THE WEAPONIZATION OF ATHLETICS Since the days of the anti-Hitler propaganda surrounding the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, down through the mutual 1980 & 1984 boycotts of the Russian and American Summer Olympics respectively, geo-politics has often been injected into the quadrennial spectacles that are the Summer Olympic Games, the Winter Olympic Games, the World Cup […]

Government Spends $5 Million to Find Out Blacks Fail in School

ZeigerDaily Stormer June 9, 2016 Our schools form the minds of society’s elite Blacks and Whites are exactly the same in every way. And if you think otherwise, you’re a hateful bigot, and probably a Nazi as well. Now, let’s spend a few million dollars to explain why blacks fail at everything, shall we? CNN: […]

LOL: National Action Infiltrates Commie Rally, Cause Massive Butthurt

ZeigerDaily Stormer June 2, 2016 The brave Brits at National Action pulled another hillarious stunt: they disguised themselves as antifa and infiltrated their rally to piss them off. And as a bonus, the madmen filmed the whole thing for our enjoyment: Apparently they were discovered early by some commie recognizing Benjamin Raymond‘s eyebrows, of all […]

A brief history of the ‘Nakba’ in Israel

This text describes the discourse on the Nakba — mostly the concept but also the historical event — in Israel. When did it appear? When did it decline and was repressed? What caused these changes? The attempt here is to describe historical moments, a periodization, from the founding of the state until today, in order […]

Israel’s West Bank land grabs biggest in decades

Charlotte Silver Rights and Accountability 30 March 2016 A Palestinian olive farmer inspects damage to his trees cut down by Israeli settlers from the settlement of Eli, close to the village of Qaryout, near the occupied West Bank city of Nablus, on 19 October 2013. Israel recently declared village lands to be part of the settlement. Nedal […]

The David Duke Show: Purim – the Jewish Celebration of Hate, Murder & Genocide

David Duke March 23, 2016 Dr. Duke had a very special Purim show today. He explained the violent and paranoid essence of the Jewish holiday of Purim, which celebrates the murder of the King of Persia, his entire family, and 75,000 Persians, along with their domestic animals. Today the massacre is celebrated in synagogues by […]

Red Ice Radio: David Duke – Trump

Henrik PalmgrenRed Ice Creations March 16, 2016 Dr. David Duke is a graduate of Louisiana State University with a BA in History. He pursued a PhD in the largest university in Ukraine and in 2005 completed his Doctoral Defense in Kiev. Duke is a former member of the House of Representatives from Louisiana and is […]

Anti-Trump Ad Widely Mistaken for Pro-Trump Ad by the Internet

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer March 14, 2016 Like most people on the internet, I saw this new campaign ad comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler (and other members of the NSDAP) and was like “wow! awesome! the guys who made this must be TOTAL BROS!” But funnily enough, as it turns out, this ad which shows […]

Alex Jones is a Racist

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer March 9, 2016 Alex Jones is now a full-on racist. I think it’s fair to say we won this war of ideas. He’s still saying these things about the evil Nazis though. Plus all the conspiracy gibberish. But the important thing is race. And that’s there now. Source Article from Views: […]

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