To feed their families and survive in the open-air concentration camp prison known as the Gaza Strip, many Palestinians hold permits to work in Israel, crossing the border daily to do their jobs. Ever since October 7, though, the situation has changed dramatically as thousands of Gazans who happened to be in Israel at the […]
Posts Tagged ‘laborers’
Palestinian laborers in Israel say IDF humiliated, TORTURED them without mercy
Thousands of Palestinian Laborers in Israel Have Likely Been Murdered, Experts Warn
In addition to the 8,000 Palestinians who have been killed in Gaza following the Oct. 7 false flag attack, thousands more Palestinians who were working in Israel have also been murdered. According to reports, thousands […] The post Thousands of Palestinian Laborers in Israel Have Likely Been Murdered, Experts Warn appeared first on The People's […]
Supreme Court Weighs Corporate Liability For Child Laborers On Cocoa Farms
Last Tuesday, the Supreme Court heard arguments about whether the world’s largest cocoa corporations are liable for child slavery in their supply chains. For 15 years, six citizens of Mali who were trafficked as children to work on cocoa farms have sought legal damages from Cargill and Nestle USA under a 240-year-old anti-piracy law. The […]
Days After Election, Trump Freezes Wages Of Farm Laborers
Above photo: Farm laborers from Fresh Harvest working with an H-2A visa harvest romaine lettuce on a machine with heavy plastic dividers that separate workers from each other on April 27, 2020 in Greenfield, California. Brent Stirton/Getty Images. “Many workers will suffer.” “The Trump administration is trying to get a lot of stuff like this […]
Robot fruit pickers to put migrant agricultural laborers out of work
(Natural News) Some of the biggest fruit orchards in the U.S. may soon use robots in harvesting fruits, as two robotics firms are currently developing machines that could accelerate fruit picking. Mechanical harvesting has become a staple practice in many farms for crops such as wheat, corn, green beans, tomatoes and others. However, the harvesting of fragile, […]
Iran’s envoy: Projects underway for violating countries, intl rights
Moscow, May 19, IRNA – Iranian Ambassador to Russia Mehdi Sanayee said unfortunately there are projects for violating the international law and the rights of the member-states necessitating change in the international scene. ‘Unfortunately there are projects for violating the international law and rights of the member-states; hence there is a need for change in […]
Large majority of Palestinians in WB and Gaza think a full scale Intifada is on the horizon
For the first time since the weeks leading up to the second Intifada in 2000, a majority of Palestinians believe the current intensified violence will build into a full scale Intifada with greater potential to achieve their goals than peace talks with Israel, said a report published on Monday by the Palestinian Center for Policy […]