Posts Tagged ‘Kiev’

Domisticated Palestinians and Collaspsed arabs المتأنسنون الفلسطينيون… والمنهارون العرب

From the Balfour to the Abbas Declaration المتأنسنون الفلسطينيون… والمنهارون العرب راسم عبيدات ـ القدس المحتلة لا غرابة ولا عجب في ظلّ استدخال ثقافة الهزيمة و«الاستنعاج» واستدامة عقدة «الارتعاش» السياسي عند العرب والفلسطينيين، أن تصل الأمور إلى حدّ إدانة عملية تل أبيب وتحميل الضحية الطرف الفلسطيني مسؤوليتها واعتبارها مضرّة بالمصالح العليا للشعب الفلسطيني، في الوقت الذي […]

Omar Mateen’s IMDB Page Scrubbed, “The Big Fix” Removed — Is It Because He’s a Terrible Actor?

by The Daily Sheeple As many outlets have reported, Omar Mateen has been in two films: “The Big Fix,” where’s he’s (supposedly) a security guard at a BP oil spill site who just magically starts spouting off how corrupt everyone there is (in a movie about how corrupt everyone handling the BP oil spill is, […]

Calling Out Drone War as a War Crime

Calling Out Drone War as a War Crime Night and day, U.S. “pilots” sit in cushioned chairs near Las Vegas, commanding drones on the other side of the planet, tracking and killing people, what retired Col. Ann Wright and other activists call a war crime, writes Dennis J Bernstein. By Dennis J Bernstein Leading the charge […]

Rape culture: Girls wearing shorts under school uniform skirts to avoid sexual harassment from classmates

     Girls as young as 12 wear shorts underneath their school skirts to prevent sexual harassment, which includes boys groping them in the playground and exposing their underwear, MPs have heard. The “sexual harassment epidemic” has been “normalized” in UK schools and has reached “breaking point,” the Women and Equalities Committee was told on Tuesday. […]

Trump supporters angered by baffling array of long words from Stephen Hawking

     London—The theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking angered supporters of Donald J. Trump on Monday by responding to a question about the billionaire with a baffling array of long words. Speaking to a television interviewer in London, Hawking called Trump “a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator,” a statement that many Trump […]


There is a major difference between the European understanding of Hope and the one that has been introduced into our mentality through the Semitic vipers. In general we could define the one as being Active, while the other is Passive. Active in terms of depending on your actions and motives, whereas the Passive one is […]

Extrajudicial killings "in the name of peace"

     Thousands of extra-judiciary drone killings, all personally approved by Peace Nobel Laureate, Obama, and all with casualties and so-called ‘collateral damage’, costs the affected, mostly poor communities, tens of thousands of lives and destroyed properties and public infrastructure valued at millions of dollars; an assurance to keep them poor and submissive. Do not such […]

Hundreds of Japanese protest Obama visit to Hiroshima

Residents in Hiroshima have greeted President Barack Obama with protests at the site of the world’s first atomic bombing conducted by the US more than 70 years ago. Obama arrived at Hiroshima’s atomic bomb park Friday on the first visit by a sitting US president and was greeted by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. “You’re not welcome here” and “Get […]

DOJ: 169 Changes Needed in Police Dept With History of Kidnapping, Beating, Corruption, Poor Leadership, etc.

Bianca Bruno | Courthouse News Service Justice Department Scorches Calexico Police CALEXICO, Calif. (CN) — In a long-awaited report, the Department of Justice suggested 169 changes to the Calexico Police Department, which has been accused of corruption, violence, lax supervision and lack of accountability. The 144-page review, released Wednesday, […]

Tehran urges deeper ties with Baku

In a meeting with new Azeri ambassador to Tehran, President Rouhani said the two countries are determined to enhance bilateral relations. The termination of anti-Iran sanctions under a lasting nuclear deal between Tehran and six world powers has provided an opportunity for the expansion of Tehran-Baku ties, he added. For his part, the incoming envoy, […]

‘I have to be taller’: India’s limb-lengthening industry

     Komal never told her friends where she really went for six months last year. The 24-year-old, from the town of Kota, in western India, went to see Dr Amar Sarin, an orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi, who made her eight centimetres (3in) taller, a procedure which involved breaking the bones in her legs and wearing […]

Industry Whistleblower Claims This is What’s Really Killing Honeybees

Makia Freeman, ContributorWaking Times You may already be aware how humanity is killing bees through a variety of methods. In an earlier article The Top 4 Reasons for the Bees Dying Off, I discussed how neonicotinoid pesticides, GMOs, EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and geoengineering were all contributing to disrupting and killing bees, through phenomena like CCD (Colony […]

Turkish MP charged with terrorism, revealed Daesh’s source of sarin gas

     Eren Erdem, from Turkey’s opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), who revealed that Daesh terrorists had obtained sarin gas supplies through Turkish territory, now faces terrorism charges in his country; the lawmaker says that the accusations are based on some “secret witness statements” without any documentary evidence. Eren Erdem, the deputy of Turkey’s CHP political […]

US Intelligence’s attempt to smear Putin in ‘Panama Papers’ backfires on Clinton, Cameron

     The Soros-funded framing of the document release aimed to smear Putin, but did more to expose the collusion of Hillary Clinton, David Cameron, and other Western scam artists. On Sunday, the “Panama Papers” were released to the world, in the single greatest incriminating document leak in world history. The documents, all from a single […]

Creepiest airport in the world – Denver International Airport

     With apocalyptic murals, a terrifying giant horse statue and curiously laid-out runways, Denver International Airport has been the subject of many conspiracy theories since it opened in 1995. Located 25 miles outside of Denver, the airport is enormous – it’s twice the size of Manhattan and reportedly went $2 billion over budget.      Before […]

Fukushima ice wall gets Japan nuclear regulator’s approval

The Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) announced that they had signaled that the first sections of the system are to be switched on. The giant underground refrigerating system will erect and maintain a barrier of frozen soil around the plant. The complex ice wall system consists of underground pipe network stretching 30 meters (100 feet) below […]

Magnitude 3.8 earthquake rocks Southcentral Alaska, on anniversary of 1964 quake

     A magnitude-.3.8 earthquake struck east of Anchorage on Sunday — which just happened to coincide with the 52nd anniversary of the devastating magnitude-9.2 earthquake that reshaped the Southcentral Alaska landscape. According to information from the Alaska Earthquake Center, Sunday’s brief temblor was centered just 7 miles southeast of Eagle River and 17 miles east […]

Can the next global financial crisis be blamed on hackers?

     Add one more way to lose all your life savings. Many of us have heard about the covert “bail-in laws” that already went into effect this year in Europe making theft of private bank account assets “legal” in this topsy-turvy world where chaos and high crimes rule the day. The precedent was set a […]

Geophysical Survey Images Show Pádraig Pearse Turning In His Grave

A geophysical survey has produced images that show Irish revolutionary leader Pádraig Pearse is turning in his grave as celebrations of Ireland’s 1916 Easter Rising get underway. Archeologists are not sure about the exact meaning of the phenomenon, but some suggest it could be a result of the massive hypocrisy of Ireland’s political leaders who, […]

Washington is destabilizing Europe “on purpose”

READ MORE: ‘Solution needed immediately’: Bavarian allies threaten Merkel with lawsuit over migrants’ policy He elaborated on the issue, saying that police and security forces are “prohibited to talk to the press and express their views on current issues.” Baumgartner then confronted the “political correctness” perceived in the authorities’ actions, questioning the term itself: “Politics […]

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