Is anyone else mystified by how quickly we, as a society, switched over from wired headphones to wireless earbuds? Unlike, say, the flip-phone-to-smart-phone pipeline, which took a solid decade, it felt like AirPods dropped and six months later, wearing wired headphones was… nostalgic?! Anyway, I have to admit that as someone who held out for […]
Posts Tagged ‘kickstarter’
Chaos in Jerusalem, A Warning of Things to Come. Jewish Mobs Call for “Death to the Arabs”
October 21st, 2015 Awake Goy
Among Palestinians and Israelis, the recent upsurge in violence has been variously described as the children’s, lone-wolf, Jerusalem and smartphone intifadas. Each describes a distinguishing feature of this round of clashes. The steady erosion of Fatah and Hamas’ authority during the post-Oslo years, as the Palestinian factions proved incapable of protecting their people from the […]