(NaturalNews) More and more, our elected leaders have taken it upon themselves to abuse our trust, abuse our rights and do whatever they can to ensure that we remain wedded to “the system” – one that they control, of course. Long gone are the days when our founding fathers valued the attributes of […]
Posts Tagged ‘ketchum’
Missouri family forced to destroy their home garden thanks to new city ordinance… no citizen shall be allowed to grow their own food!
April 8th, 2016 Awake Goy
Mainstream CBS and MSNBC censor Bernie Sanders when he criticizes Monsanto, the TPP and Big Pharma
March 23rd, 2016 Awake Goy
(NaturalNews) Here we go again with people being censored for doing nothing more than expressing their viewpoints – and the attempts to silence people’s thoughts don’t just involve everyday citizens but even include presidential hopefuls. Not even they can escape the Big Brother do-as-I-want mentality that’s seeping deep into every facet of society. […]