DEEP STATE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discusses The CIA’s Longstanding War Against The Kennedys – By Charles Burris SM Source – “…Joseph P. Kennedy, who in 1956 had been named by President Eisenhower as a member of the President’s Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities…. Kennedy’s actions and remarks there greatly displeased CIA […]
Posts Tagged ‘kennedys’
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discusses The CIA’s Longstanding War Against The Kennedys
Who Killed the Kennedys? (Three Out of Four Dead Kennedys Ain’t Bad!) Who Killed Christ?
Jews 21, Romans 0. 3 Touchdowns! Yet Christians still believe that the Romans killed Christ! Everybody knows it was the Synagogue of Satan!!! A report From France: ISRAEL AND THE DUAL ASSASSINATIONS OF THE KENNEDY BROTHERS ( Do we Anglo-Saxons have a right to exist? If the jooz do, then so do we!! Chuck Baldwin […]
Did Israel Kill the Kennedys?
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Jewish Voice for Peace and Jews Say No! take credit for faux ‘NYT’ highlighting biased coverage on Israel/Palestine
Yesterday we reported on a parody edition of the New York Times being handed out on the streets of New York City. Since then the fake paper has generated headlines around the world and the Twitter account and website associated with the effort have been suspended. Today, the New York chapter Jewish Voice for Peace […]
Jewish war on the kennedys…continued from HERE After Bremen and Bremerhaven, Kennedy and Forrestal flew to Bavaria, where they visited the town of Berchtesgaden and then drove up to Hitler’s mountain retreat, which was “completely gutted, the result of an air attack from 12,000 pound bombs by the R.A.F. [British air force] in an attempt […]
An American Spectical… Obama Is The First Sitting President to Pose for Cover of LGBT Magazine… Don’t It Make You ‘Proud’?
President Obama has made history by becoming the first sitting U.S. president to pose for the cover of an LGBT magazine. ~ Daniel Nussbaum Obama is on the cover of Out magazine’s latest Out 100 issue as the publication’s “Ally of the Year.” “The 44th President of the United States is our Ally of the Year—a […]
Outlawing Free Speech on Jewish Identity – Veterans Today
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Secret Email Leaked from Hillary’s Server: The Real Story of Bush, Blair and Big Oil’s Iraq Agenda
This article was first published by Who What Why An extremely important story has come and gone in a flash, almost unnoticed, like so many important stories. It revealed that President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair had agreed to invade Iraq long before the first bombs fell on the oil-rich Middle Eastern country. […]