I have never been against folks leaving shit holes and moving where they can have more freedom and a better life. The problem happens when folks move from shit holes and try to bring their shit hole ideas and ways with them. If you are going to try to bring your shit ways with you, […]
Posts Tagged ‘kalifornia’
Welcome To The Occupied Republic of Texas, Now Go Home or Leave Your Vile yankee & Kalifornia Communistic Mind Rot Behind
A New SideWalk Dance Emerges, The Kalifornia Shoplifting Shuffle
MUST WATCH: Jewelry store owners give a would-be robber a surprise beat down in El Monte, California. Small business owners are fighting back amid the Democrat fueled retail crime spree. pic.twitter.com/ITvotkxIAc — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) September 3, 2023 In Arizona a new dance is emerging called the Pistol Packing (Stealing) Felon Street Scuffle. Bystanders stop […]
Build A Wall Along The Kalifornia Border
Build a wall along the Kalifornia border. The problem with Kalifornians are they are descendants of yankee carpetbagger communist. They have f##ked California up beyond repair. So they leave, invade non yankee communist countries, bring their yankee communist ways with them and start trying to f##k up these countries up beyond repair. Escape from California, […]
Gavin Newsom From People’s Soviet “Republic” of Kalifornia de Mexico Challenges Ron dump em in Martha’s Vineyard DeSantis To Debate On Communist National Network
The Communist “leader of the Soviet Socialist S#it hole of Kalifornia de Mexico who’s policies have led to a steady stream of outbound U-Haul trucks and trailers wants to debate Ron dump em in Martha’s Vineyard DeSantis, Guvnor of the booming country of Florida on the Communist National Network (CNN). “Hey GovRonDeSantis, clearly you’re struggling, […]
Just Days After Phasing Out New Gas Cars, Kalifornia Says “Avoid Charging EVs” Amid Potential Blackouts
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Governor of Kalifornia Gavin Newsom is now running ads on guns and abortion in TEXAS
Maybe he is trying to woo back all them kalifornians fleeing his disarming people policies, communistic tactics, homeless s#itting on the streets and peoples front lawns high crime, high taxes S#it hole. He is promising to get the grown folks aborted by violent criminals as well as going after the unborn. Excuse me dumb ass. […]