The authorities of this colony have a long history of using force, intimidation, violence and threats of incarceration against the good people of whatever state you live in. Victoria Police do it and were called out for it, in a recent County Court of Victoria case. The so called ‘Sheriff’ and other ‘employees of the […]
Posts Tagged ‘julie’
The AMA is Wrong About Julie Sladden
SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL [This article was co-authored by Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan, Treasurer of the Australian Medical Professionals Society, and Dr Duncan Syme, Vice President of the Australian Medical professionals Society] Last week, the AMA publicly called for the disendorsement of Tasmanian Liberal candidate Dr Julie Sladden, accusing her of having anti-vaccine opinions that […]
‘Prophet’ Julie Green Assures Eric Trump That His Father Is God’s ‘Anointed and Appointed One’
Clay Clark, the right-wing conspiracy theorist behind the far-right ReAwaken America tour, has openly bragged that the participation by members of the Trump family in his events is “legitimizing what we are doing in the minds of many people” and allowing him to get various dominionist “prophets” directly into “Trump’s inner circle.” One of the […]
Buzzard Bait Julie Powell Wanted Anti-KILLER JABBERS/Anti-Mask Folks To Die, Now She’s Dead From Killer Jabber Heart Attack at 49
“I would argue that COVID does kill some of the right people. The anti-vaxxers/maskers are dying in legions.” Buzzard Bait Julie Powell, misinformed or out right liar (?) Who gloated (wrongly) that folks smarter than her who refused to take there assisted suicide euthanasia Killer Jab were “dying in legions” drops dead at 49 fro […]
Do Not Give Up Your Rights ~ Dr. Julie Ponesse’s Remarkable Speech
By Brownstone Institute November 3, 2021 Dr. Julie Ponesse is a professor of ethics who has taught at Ontario’s Huron University College for 20 years. She was placed on leave and banned from accessing her campus due to the vaccine mandate. She presented at the The Faith and Democracy Series on October 28, 2021. Dr. […]
Time To Expose MD Julie Gerberding, Former CDC Director, For Her Role In CDC’s Vaccine Fraud
By Catherine J. Frompovich Julie Gerberding, Woman of the Year Award – Protest Event New York City Midtown Hilton, 1320 Sixth Avenue, NYC Thursday, May 3, 2018 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM EDT Contact Person: Heather Turano Email: [email protected] ———– The protest, which has a proper permit to occur, will gather across the […]
Taking Action for Liberty With Julie Borowski
December 24, 2017 By Vin Armani In this video, Vin Armani interviews Julie Borowski about her political activism. Julie Borowski is a political commentator living in the Washington, D.C. area. She is best known for her YouTube channel – now with more than 10 million views – where she discusses current events in […]
Julie And Nicole Pelosi Dragged Into Court In Handcuffs
Nancy Pelosi’s two youngest daughters, Julie Marie and Nicole Lynn, were arrested and charged in Berkeley, California for drug trafficking. Their lawyer managed to keep the arrest quiet for the sake of an ongoing investigation and plea deal, but now that they were taken in full view of the public into federal court for arraignment, the […]