In a deeply unsettling incident that unfolded at Tokyo’s Akihabara station, a woman has been taken into custody following a stabbing rampage aboard a train. Reports from local media on Wednesday indicate that at least four individuals may have sustained injuries during this shocking episode, which has sent shockwaves through the city. The East Japan […]
Posts Tagged ‘joker’
Pregnant Joker Holds Bank Hostage Until Someone Brings Him Pickles And Ice Cream
GOTHAM CITY — Fear gripped the city today as a maniacal villain once again put innocent dozens of citizens’ lives at risk as the Joker (who is reportedly pregnant) and his gang of homicidal clowns held the First National Bank of Gotham City hostage until his unusual demands were met. Source Views: 0
Knife-Wielding Man Dressed As Joker Injures 17 On Tokyo Train, Starts Fire
TOKYO (AP) — A man dressed in Batman’s Joker costume and brandishing a knife on a Tokyo commuter train on Sunday stabbed several passengers before starting a fire, which sent people scrambling to escape and jumping from windows, police and witnesses said. The Tokyo Fire Department said 17 passengers were injured, including three seriously. Not […]
BREAKING: Kamala Harris Hit With Joker Laugh Gas Attack — UPDATE: False Alarm. She Was Simply Asked A Question About Children Locked Up At The Border
BREAKING: Kamala Harris Hit With Joker Laugh Gas Attack — UPDATE: False Alarm. She Was Simply Asked A Question About Children Locked Up At The Border WASHINGTON, D.C.—Vice President Kamala Harris has been hit with a possibly lethal dose of laugh gas, most likely at the hands of the Gotham supervillain the Joker. Harris was […]
Warner Bros Casts Kamala Harris As The Joker
BURBANK, CA—Ever since the great Heath Ledger played the Joker back in 2008, Warner Bros. has been looking for someone who could live up to his amazing performance. Joaquin Phoenix came close, while Jared Leto, well, didn’t. But the studio believes it has now found the next Joker: Kamala Harris, who has been hired to […]
FBI Terror Team arrests Famous TikToker The JOKER Over Allegedly ‘Violating Parole’
The Anti-Defamation League has fingered an online ‘white supremacist’ they’d been monitoring — and tipped off the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force — precipitating his arrest in a massive, multi-agent raid on his residence for allegedly possessing a gun in violation of his previous parole terms: Paul Miller, 32, was arrested Tuesday after […]
“Joker” film: everything must go
“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you” Friedrich Nietzsche If you haven’t yet watched the “JOKER” film, you are definitely missing a lot. The 2019”Joker” by Todd Phillips has […]
What is Campus Racism? Sit Down, Friend, And I’ll Tell You Some Stories
Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer November 18, 2015 It’s hard out there for a Black. If you, like most, want to be against racism but don’t really exactly understand what it even is, never fear. The New York Times has you covered. They have compiled a readers’ list of Nuremberg-type claims from Black students about the horrible […]