JEW rat Ben Stein ‘jumps ship’ to support Donald J. TRUMP, so the reprobate JEWS won’t be too easily identified as the real leftist subverters of the once fair land of the free Related… You get the same sort of thing with the disingenuous faggot Milo Yiannopoulos who has evidently only endorsed TRUMP so that faggots […]
Posts Tagged ‘jk’
JEW rat Ben Stein ‘jumps ship’ to support Donald J. TRUMP, so the reprobate JEWS won’t be too easily identified as the real leftist subverters of the once fair land of the free
June 16th, 2016 Awake Goy
Most Palestinians support armed intifada out of need for self-defense
October 29th, 2015 Awake Goy
The latest Palestinian uprising was sparked by the Duma murders of last summer, when Palestinians saw that Jewish settlers faced no accountability for murdering Palestinians in the occupied territories. And no amount of Israeli violence can turn off this uprising; the young are demanding their freedom, according to two prominent Palestinians speaking on a Wilson […]
The effectiveness of the pro-Israel lobby to intimidate our press has reached new heights
October 23rd, 2015 Awake Goy
Two weeks ago, the New York Times appended editorial notes and made numerous edits to Rick Gladstone’s timely piece about scholarly doubts over whether Jewish temples ever stood on the present site of the al Aqsa plaza. The final version of the article completely altered the intention of the article to appease Jewish critics, and […]