Posts Tagged ‘Jewry’

As we crushed Gaza, world Jewry glimpsed our beauty, and we ate Ben & Jerry’s

Today is a Jewish holiday of reflection, Tisha B’Av, commemorating the destruction of the temples, and the Times of Israel posted a piece about Jewish unity during the last Gaza war: “Ben & Jerry’s on Tisha B’av?! Lessons from the 2014 Gaza War.” A former combat officer during the Gaza onslaught, Yaakov Selavan relates that […]

VIDEO: Owned! UK Politicians Shilling for International Jewry

Hello Zionist Report Followers! As you know, our mission is to EXPOSE THE TRUTH. And, we need your help to achieve it. We are a team of two journalists that are tirelessly working on this mission. We have grown tremendously since we launched in January. And now we are looking to take our growth to […]


report by Michael Byron from the dailystormer note – The Jews and globalists are aggressively promoting faggotry because a) they want to neutralize White male resistance to the JWO and b) they want to discourage any more sexual reproduction among the whites. The owners of Ben & Jerry’s are two purebred kikes named Ben Cohen and […]


It comes as a big shock to learn that two of the fathers of the Sexual Revolution were both sexual perverts with an evangelical mission in life: to infect society with their wacky ideas and turn the world into a vast masturbatorium. I refer to the 2oth century’s premier sex researcher Alfred Kinsey (1894-1956) and […]

Henry Klein: Zionism is the Curse of Jewry

  April 28, 2017 Source Article from Views: 0

Turkey Recalls Ambassador After Germany Recognizes Armenian Genocide

Despite a barrage of pressure from Turkey, the German parliament has approved a symbolic resolution that declares the massacre of Armenians by Ottoman Turkish forces in 1915 to be genocide The vote was almost unanimous in support of the resolution with just one MP voting against and another abstaining. The move was largely expected and […]

Memorial Day: NEVER FORGET The 53 Jew Dead

Art by “A. Wyatt Mann,” colorized and type added by INCOG MAN several years ago. By Benjamin Garland @DAILY STORMER Some claim that Jews only start wars for goyim but don’t fight in them. This is a truly vicious anti-Semitic canard. Sure, Jews may start a bunch of wars, but they most definitely fight in them as […]

Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton will Hold Fundraiser in Israel on May 17

Clinton has also been raising a ton of pro-Israel money in L.A. Haim and Cheryl Saban have just kicked in another $2 million on top of $5 million they gave last year to her SuperPac, Priorities USA Action. Yahoo: Steven Spielberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg have each given $1 million to Priorities, and […]

Liberals SHOCKED When Trump Family Member Drops This MASSIVE Bombshell…

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump has taken a strong stand to protect our gun rights and the 2nd Amendment. Apparently, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Donald Trump Jr. is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment as well! You probably don’t know this but Don Jr. is a […]

Forget the ‘F’ Word

It is the ‘P’ word that should give us sleepless nights. We are taught ~ I didn’t say educated ~ that the lowest form of life is pond life or plankton. It is now realised that politicians and press fall into this species too. When colleges defecate journalists the bacterial result is a mess of […]

Bernie Sanders says he’s lucky to be white, but what about Jewish?

By Ron Kampeas | At a town hall in Nevada Thursday night, Bernie Sanders talked about the advantages of being descended from white, as opposed to darker-skinned, immigrants. Contrasting his experience with the hatred thrown at President Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential candidate said, No one asked me whether Im […]

Video: Scenes from a bloody Sunday in Palestine

Two horrendous videos emerged from Hebron over this past deadly weekend. In one, after a 14-year-old girl was gunned down in the street, an ambulance waits right next to her as she bleeds and writhe on the ground, but soldiers prevent her from being moved. In the other video, a soldier is recorded callously pushing over a […]

Husband Spends Paycheck Partying With Buddies, NEVER Expected Wife To Do THIS!

Dean James III% AMERICAS FREEDOM FIGHTERS – Every now and then America’s Freedom Fighters likes to take a break from the every day problems we all deal with when it comes to the troubles our country and world are facing and like they say, ‘Laughter is the BEST MEDICINE!’ We hope you enjoy!  A man left […]

Obama & Clinton Slush Funds Support Terrorism and Treason -Can’t Miss Interview with Paul Preston

The most corrupt duo in American History.ama I interviewed Paul Preston of Agenda 21 Radio. He confirmed and added to what both my research and Scott Bennett’s research confirmed. Namely, Obama and Clinton maintain illegal private slush funds. These funds derive their renumeration from various and sundry illegal activities. These […]

Nature is Cruel

“In actual operation Nature is cruel and merciless to men, as to all other beings. Let a tribe of human animals live a rational life, Nature will smile upon them and their posterity; but let them attempt to organize an unnatural mode of existence – an equality elysium – and thy will be punished even […]

Dr. David Duke and Pastor Dankof explain how and why the Jewish establishment supports the European Genocide!

Dr. David Duke and Pastor Dankof explain how and why the Jewish establishment supports the European Genocide! Today Dr. Duke and Pastor Mark Dankof had a fascinating conversation about the insanity of U.S. policy regarding Syria and Russia and the way the media manipulates the public to support policies that are against their interests. Dr. […]

Jews demand open borders for USA, but use DNA to keep Israel racially pure

Jews Demand Open Borders for USA, But Use DNA to Keep Israel Racially Pure Posted by TNO Staff— on September 20, 2013 2 Comments Jews in America are 100 percent united in demanding “open borders” and “immigration reform”—but at the same time hypocritically support Israel which now uses DNA tests on potential immigrants in order […]

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