Posts Tagged ‘Israeli settlements’

Did Palestinian Authority help undermine Israel boycott in Iceland?

Ali Abunimah Activism and BDS Beat 20 September 2015 Reykjavík Mayor Dagur Eggertsson, left, with his counterpart in Barcelona, Xavier Trias, 28 May. (Flickr) The mayor of Reykjavík is backing away from a measure adopted by the Icelandic capital’s council last week boycotting all Israeli goods until Israel ends its occupation of Palestinian lands. Dagur […]

Weak EU move too late for family burned alive by Israeli settlers

Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 7 September 2015 Palestinians pray over the body of Riham Dawabsha during her funeral in the West Bank village of Duma, 7 September. Dawabsha, who died of her injuries the night before, was the mother of Ali Dawabsha, the Palestinian toddler killed in the July firebombing of their family home. […]

How EU officials shrugged off aid to Israeli settlements

David Cronin Rights and Accountability 3 September 2015 Ahava is the target of a major boycott campaign.  Oren Ziv ActiveStills Were top EU officials instructed to shrug off complaints about the financing of Israeli firms in the occupied West Bank? A careful examination of documents prepared by the Brussels bureaucracy leads me to the conclusion […]

israel’s control over Palestine is parasitic, destroying infra-structure to sell services

Palestinians worse off than ever as settler numbers soar, says UN Palestinians wave a flag during a protest against Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, near Ramallah, on 28 August. Shadi Hatem APA images   Palestinians are economically worse off than ever before as the number of Israeli settlers on […]

Palestinians worse off than ever as settler numbers soar, says UN

Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 2 September 2015 Palestinians wave a flag during a protest against Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, near Ramallah, on 28 August. Shadi Hatem APA images Palestinians are economically worse off than ever before as the number of Israeli settlers on their land sets records, […]

Palestinian Christians Clash with Soldiers Following Sunday Mass

IMEMC : Palestinian Christians clashed with Israeli forces, following mass on Sunday, when priests and demonstrators marched to protest renewed work on the apartheid wall in the Christian majority town of Beit Jala, in the occupied West Bank. The march, the most recent in a string of protests, moved through neighborhoods in the Bethlehem-district town […]

Large Portion of Israeli Settlers in Palestine are US Citizens

Native journalist Zebula Hebert told me that, in the Israeli colonization of Palestine, he sees “the United States’ genocide against American Indians. Gaza and the West Bank are two big reservations…” A new study out of Oxford University further reveals that this statement is more literal than symbolic, finding that 15% of Israeli settlers illegally […]

EU to approve new measures against Israeli settlements: Zio-Watch, August 27, 2015

Dr. Patrick Slattery’s News Roundup A service of The European Union’s outgoing envoy to Palestine says the 28-nation bloc is continuing its efforts to pass more measures against illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. John Gatt-Rutter, the envoy to the besieged Gaza Strip and the occupied Palestinian territories, said on Thursday that […]

Boycott-hit Veolia dumps Jerusalem rail, completes Israel withdrawal

Ali Abunimah Activism and BDS Beat 28 August 2015 The Jerusalem Light Rail was designed to link Israeli settlements built in the West Bank, in violation of international law, with western Jerusalem. Oren Ziv ActiveStills Multinational infrastructure company Veolia has sold its last investment in Israel and its settlements. According to Who Profits, a group that monitors […]

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