Situated on the West coast of Africa, with the equator running through it, the tiny island of Sao Tome was uninhabited before being colonized by the Portuguese in 1486. Read more Section: News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Africa Read Later Source Views: 0
Posts Tagged ‘invention’
Tiny West African Island Shows Evidence of the Invention of Plantation Slavery
The Invention of the HoloHoax AFTER WW 2
There simply was no “holocaust” of members of the Jewish cult religion by the Germans during WW 2. It is made up bull shit. Yes, the average red Russian Turkmen Mongolian mongrel Khazarian Jew really believes they are descended from Biblical Israelites and Judeans, really believe some “god” chose them to be the Masters of […]
Elon Musk’s New Electricity Saving Invention Has Residents Saving Up to 90% Off Their Monthly Electric Bill
Elon Musk’s New Electricity Saving Invention Has Residents Saving Up to 90% Off Their Monthly Electric Bill. Electric Power Companies Are Demanding It Be Banned Immediately! “Do not pay your electric bill until you read this. As electricity prices continue to rise in , I realize that not everyone can afford solar panels, so we […]
Hanukkah Menorah derived from demonic origins
The Invention of the Hanukkah Menorah that derived from Turkey’s satanic origins Views: 14
YCP – The Invention of Judeo-Christianity
EURO FOLK RADIO YCP – The Invention of Judeo-Christianity Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share How the oxymoron, “Judeo-Christianity,” was invented during the Roosevelt administration. Share this: Source Views: 1
Yes, Bill Gates’ invention really is an injectable, permanent, under-the-skin, biochip sensor?
HERE IS BILL GATES’ INJECTABLE BIOCHIP, FOR THOSE WHO THINK IT IS CONSPIRACY THEORY Coronavirus News A Silicon Valley company with early funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as the US Department of Defense’s highly secretive Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is expecting approval of an injectable, permanent under-the-skin biochip sensor […]
If You Think Invention Secrecy Is A “Conspiracy Theory” You’ve Just Been Proven Wrong…
Next Story Government secrecy is running rampant in an age where more and more people are demanding transparency. Did you know that the U.S. Government classifies over 500 million pages of documents each year? Justification for the mass classification of information is (apparently) done for the sake of “national security,” but as we know: “The […]
The Invention of the word JEW
The Invention of the word JEW The word “Jew” is a relatively modern invention used, seemingly indiscriminately and interchangeably, by 18th century redactors to describe Israelites, Judahites and Judaeans. It first appeared in these eighteenth century Bibles and it first appears within these redactions in 2 Kings 16:6 …. in an episode that describes […]
John McAfee’s New Invention Is Taking The Fight To The CIA
Never afraid of speaking truth to power and educating the masses about the powers that be, crazy but brilliant John McAfee has taken it upon himself to release the world’s first truly private smartphone. Four years ago, Edward Snowden’s disclosures that federal government agencies were hacking America’s leading technology companies threw the industry into turmoil. […]
It’s Time for Pope Francis to Confess His Involvement in Argentine’s Dirty War and Resign
The gnostic illuminati and the US military have both told the White Dragon Society that Pope Francis must resign because of his friendship with former Argentine dictator Jorge Videla and his involvement in Argentina’s dirty war. by Benjamin Fulford The resignation will be the trigger for a series of dramatic changes in how this planet […]
What They Want You to Fear vs The Real Threats That We Face
The uniting global culture of the 21st Century does have risks that it needs to address as it moves into a new era that can finally be classed as a civilized society. Yet, any report that identifies the threats to our species needs to be holistic and progressive in its approach; otherwise it is just […]
U.S. missile defenses rendered totally obsolete by Mach 10 hypersonic missile developed by China
(NaturalNews) China has just conducted the third flight test of a hypersonic missile which has the potential of breaching U.S. missile defense systems. The successful flight test of the Wu-14 hypersonic glide vehicle was carried out early in December, following two other tests which occurred earlier in 2014. The Wu-14 is still in […]
Book Review: The Invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand
Book Review: The Invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand. 2009. Verso Books, London and New York. English translation from the Hebrew by Yael Lotan. by Bill Willers In this book, Shlomo Sand, an historian at Israel’s University of Tel Aviv, and part of a “post-Zionist” movement contesting this “imagined universe” with […]
Book Review: The Invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand. 2009. Verso Books, London and New York. English translation from the Hebrew by Yael Lotan.
Justification for the Zionist venture that has displaced Palestinians and resulted in the nation of Israel hinges on the story of a Semitic ethnic group exiled from its homeland in 70 CE, thereafter to wander during a two-millennium “Diaspora”. In this book, Shlomo Sand, an historian at Israel’s University of Tel Aviv, and part of […]