Posts Tagged ‘invasive’

Corporatocratic Surveillance Just Got One Step More Invasive

Corporatocratic surveillance (i.e. the broad spread surveillance of the public by the corporatocracy) has become even more creepy and invasive with the advent of new programs by Amazon and Walmart which allow these corporations to enter your home when you are not there. That’s right: Amazon is rolling out a new program called Amazon Key […]

Reinventing the ancient art of calligraphy… as a non-invasive cancer treatment

(Natural News) The American Chemical Society, reporting in ACS Omega, said that a plant-based ink that was once used by Chinese calligraphers to paint beautiful art can now be used to non-invasively treat cancer cells that metastasize to lymph nodes. Let us first consider a process called photothermal therapy (PTT). This is a relatively new […]

Experts warn robots are growing in consciousness and should be classified as an “invasive species”

(Natural News) Should humanity become extinct in the immediate future, it won’t be by our own hands or through the wrath of nature. A number of experts has claimed that our demise shall be brought on by super-strong robots. What was once created to make our lives easier could very well “threaten our existence” in […]

New Invasive Measures Are Coming to Your Local Airport

June 28, 2017 By Derrick Broze The federal government will soon begin searching through travelers’ books at the airport as airlines test out fingerprint scans. Next time you choose to take a flight in the United States, you will not only be given the option of a free walk through the full body […]

Jews Demand: ”Keep Joshua Bonehill in Prison Forever”

Jez Turner Daily Stormer June 29, 2016 #FreeJoshuaBonehill “Keep Joshua Bonehill in prison forever.” This seems to be what (((the powers that be))) are telling the British Government with regard to free speech martyr Joshua Bonehill. He’s currently in prison serving a three and a half year sentence for some Charlie Hebdo style online cartoons […]

Jew Fight! Horowitz Calls Kristol “Renegade Jew”

From DAILY STORMER Breitbart published a piece by the Jew David Horowitz naming the Jew William Kristol as a “renegade Jew.” Despite being written by a Jew, the piece was actually pretty good in that it literally “named the Jew.” At the same time, it of course obfuscated things with the whole “not all Jews” […]

White Power vs. Black Power: George Lincoln Rockwell Debates Stokely Carmichael (1966)

This is a debate between the Stokely Carmichael, coiner of the phrase “Black Power”, and George Lincoln Rockwell, the coiner of the phrase “White Power”. Source Article from Views: 0

All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t

CNN recently published an article entitled Study: Threat of Muslim-American terrorism in U.S. exaggerated; according to a study released by Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “the terrorist threat posed by radicalized Muslim-Americans has been exaggerated.” Yet, Americans continue to live in mortal fear of radical Islam, a fear propagated […]

Florida sheriff really upset Obama took away his tank

     Police in Florida are complaining that the Obama Administration is recalling military-style tanks that many have complained made American city streets look like foreign war zones during unrest in places like Ferguson, Missouri last year. Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson said losing an M113 — an armored personnel carrier — will result in some […]

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