SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In the spring of 2020, a deliberately cultivated disease fear swept across the population. Everyone was urged to do everything possible to avoid the invisible enemy. It is an implausible request. The terrorist-era slogan “If you see something, say something” was bad enough. This was “You can’t see something, so […]
Posts Tagged ‘intervened’
Report: Biden personally intervened to get the word ‘occupation’ removed from the Democratic Party platform
A report from Foreign Policy claims that Joe Biden personally intervened to make sure the word “occupation” was omitted from the Democratic Party platform. According to three sources familiar with the discussions, Biden’s move came after heavy pressure from pro-Israel groups. Aides of the presumptive Democratic nominee also called progressive delegates and encouraged them to […]
The EPA intervened on Monsanto’s behalf, sabotaging another government agency’s safety review of glyphosate
(Natural News) Monsanto, the agrichemical company that produces genetically modified seeds and the herbicide Roundup, among others, has become known as the “world’s most evil corporation.” Their callous disregard for the welfare of humans and the environment certainly makes them deserving of this label. Now, imagine this scenario for a moment: The world’s most evil […]
Government To Spend Over £9m Of Taxpayers’ Money On Pro-EU Propaganda
The British Government is to spend almost £10 million of taxpayers’ money sending leaflets to every household in the country setting out their case for Britain to stay in the European Union. The move has been described by leave campaigners as “disgraceful” Boris Johnson said it was wrong to try to “stampede” voters while Nigel […]