Body-cam footage has been released showing an incident in which Colorado police officers left an MMA fighter paralyzed without feeling below his upper chest. Donovan Duran, 24, was arrested on December 7 by La Junta cops outside his father’s home after family reported him being drunk and disorderly. It was the third time in the […]
Posts Tagged ‘injustice’
Election pantomime: Trump: ‘We’re Gonna Be Looking Into’ How We Can Get Rid of All the Muslims
Trump: ‘We’re Gonna Be Looking Into’ How We Can Get Rid of All the Muslims First published in September 2015. Of extreme relevance to an understanding of the presidential election campaign Image: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is being criticized for his response to a question about Muslim and their “training camps,” asked during a […]
Just say no to idiocy: Common Core opt-out movement is growing
Nationwide opposition to Common Core is on the rise, and more and more students and parents are choosing to opt-out on their own. According to a story by U.S. News & World Report over half a million school-aged children opted out of Common Core standardized testing last year. In New York around a fifth […]
As right-wing incitement spreads through Israeli society, Netanyahu looks to extinguish fire he has stoked for years
From Dan Cohen’s report, “Thousands of Israelis fill Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square in support for soldier who executed Palestinian“: Last night more than 5,000 Israelis gathered in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square in a massive outpouring of support for Elor Azarya, the Israeli soldier and French citizen who was recently indicted on manslaughter charges for executing […]
Gay Wetback Rubio Openly Planning “Brokered Convention” to Steal Nomination from Trump
Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer February 11, 2016 One of the biggest drawbacks with Marco Rubio is that he gives no indication to voters that he’s a human being. Hey, here’s another one of those bizarre things. AP: The best hope of the Republican establishment just a week ago, Marco Rubio suddenly faces a path to his […]
Mass intoxication: The narcotics epidemic in American society
In view of the national epidemic of painkiller and psychotropic drug abuse in the United States, along with the legalization of marijuana in the majority of its states, many American experts have noted the emergence of a real narcotics epidemic in the American society. Taking the road to legalizing the supposedly mild drugs, representatives […]
The Intifada, Viral Death, and the Facebook Fallacy: An interview with Rebecca Stein
The following interview originally appeared in ISLAMiCommentary. “What we are seeing here is a combination of the radical Islam and the Internet. Osama Bin Laden meets Mark Zuckerberg. The incitement in the social networks is moving the murders.” – Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking to his Likud faction on October 19 There are varying explanations […]
With Slavery, Injustice For All
1865: The Beginning of Universal Servitude in America by Steve Scroggins Most people believe that 1865 marked the ending of slavery in America… and they are wrong. Yes, chattel slavery ended with the ratification of the 13th Amendment, but political slavery was established in its place and has progressed to include tax slavery […]