This show originally aired in April of 2017. Kyle speaks with Phil Tourney, USS Liberty survivor and outspoken activist, and Dave Gahary about their USS Liberty Movie project, the true history of the crew and the horror they experienced at the hands of Israel, how the US government covered it up, and the ongoing struggle […]
Posts Tagged ‘infamy’
June 8 Will Live in Infamy: Kyle Hunt Interviews Dave Gahary and USS Liberty Survivor Phil Tourney
June 9th, 2021 Awake Goy
Why January 6, 2021 Will Live in Infamy
January 7th, 2021 Awake Goy
I never thought I’d ever read this paragraph in an American paper: “A mob of people loyal to President Trump stormed the Capitol on Wednesday, halting Congress’s counting of the electoral votes to confirm President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory as the police evacuated lawmakers from the building in a scene of violence, chaos and […]
Infamy at Sea: Israel’s Attack on the USS Liberty 50 Years Later
June 3rd, 2017 Awake Goy
In early June of 1967, at the onset of the Six Day War, the Pentagon sent the USS Liberty from Spain into international waters off the coast of Gaza to monitor the progress of Israel’s attack on the Arab states. The Liberty was a lightly armed surveillance ship. Only hours after the Liberty arrived it […]