Posts Tagged ‘induced’

Europe’s drought-induced crop losses tripled in 50 years, threatening future global food supply chain

New research has found that EU crop losses driven by heat waves and drought, as well as other extreme weather events, have tripled in 50 years, a startling figure which could upend food-chain supply dynamics around the globe. The study examined agricultural production in 28 European countries (including the UK) from 1961 to 2018 and […]

In COVID-induced despair, Israeli employers no longer trust their government to help

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Half of Drug-Induced Abortions in Scotland Committed at Home, Figures Highest in a Decade

(Evangelical Focus) — 13,583 pregnancies were terminated in Scotland (UK) in the year 2019, 297 more than in 2018, official figures released in August showed. It is the second highest number of abortions ever, only below the figures of 2008. “Half of all terminations were to women in their twenties in 2019,” the report issued […]

Cell Phone-Induced Bodily Harm: How The Bees Can Help

August 20th, 2020 By Sayer Ji Contributing writer for Wake Up World Did you know that your cell phone technically microwaves your brain, sometimes using about the same frequencies found in a microwave oven?  And did you know that natural substances have proven radioprotective properties that can reduce your risk of adverse exposures? Cell phones and the […]

Hypothesis: Face Mask Induced O2 Depletion and CO2 Enrichment Elicit Fear and Anxiety (i.e. Trauma-Based Control)

By Sayer Ji Wearing a face mask may carry a steep physiological price, adversely impacting your health and well-being in these already extremely stressful times.  Concerns about the harms of mask wearing continue to increase, especially ever since numerous US states began mandating their use as a non-pharmaceutical intervention intended to contain the spread of […]

How I Induced An Outer Body Experience Using Nothing But My Breath

Can you really have an out of body experience on command? Absolutely. While this is something that will take some time to practice and get good at, there are many methods to having out of body experiences or spiritual experiences on command using only your consciousness and physical body. There is also a purpose to […]

Vaccine-Induced Autism Costs Will Reach $1 Trillion By 2025, Study Suggests

Scientists at the University of California say that the total cost of caring for vaccine-damaged children who have autism will skyrocket to $1 trillion within the next decade.  Their study, published Tuesday in the  Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorder, warns that autism rates in the United States are soaring beyond anybody’s control. reports: “The […]

Astragalus found to protect against drug-induced liver injury: Study

(Natural News) The liver is a very important organ that is, unfortunately, vulnerable to various toxic agents and harmful elements. Among these are drugs like paracetamol that, when taken in doses that exceed what’s recommended, can stress out or even damage the liver. Fortunately, an investigative team comprising of researchers from Saudi Arabia, Cairo, and […]

Mandatory Flu Jab Left Mother Blind And Induced Multiple Sclerosis

An American mother of two became blind and was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis shortly after getting a mandatory flu shot.  Jennifer Whitney, aged 34, claims she was forced to have the vaccine due to the insistence of her boss who disregarded her concerns over the safety of the jab. The same boss, upon hearing of […]

Beware of Media-Induced Panic of the Plague as the Next Big Pandemic

Phillip Schneider, Staff WriterWaking Times Every few years, the media stirs up fear of another pandemic to coincide with a new vaccine and fairly totalitarian measures from hospitals and governments. In 2009 the hype was about the swine flu, then came Ebola in 2014, and now it appears that the plague may be the […]

Cell Phone-Induced Bodily Harm – and How the Bees Can Help

November 27th, 2017 By Sayer Ji Contributing writer for Wake Up World Did you know that your cell phone technically microwaves your brain?  And did you know that natural substances have proven radioprotective properties that can reduce your risk of adverse exposures?  Cell phones and the communications infrastructure that makes them possible are ubiquitous today, making complete […]

Obesity-induced diabetes in the U.K. behind more than 160 amputations per WEEK; most die within 5 years

(Natural News) The obesity-related diabetes disaster continues unabated in the United Kingdom, triggering a rash of amputations that may be causing premature death in 80 percent of patients. As reported by the U.K.’s Daily Mail, the obesity epidemic is feeding into a record-high 160 amputations per week, according to the most recent health figures, which […]

How I Induced An Out Of Body Experience Without Substances

Next Story Can you really have an out of body experience on command? Absolutely. While this is something that will take some time to practice and get good at, there are many methods to having out of body experiences or spiritual experiences on command using only your consciousness and physical body. There is also a […]

Hillary Clinton’s Libyan Fingerprints

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University of Barcelona Boycotts Israel

IMEMC : The deanship at the Central University of Barcelona announced the official boycott of Israel, with the cut of all kinds of communication and relations with the Israeli universities and institutions which are related directly or indirectly to the occupation. Image: Wiki Commons. The university agreed to be a part of the global initiative “places […]

“Depleted” Uranium & Induced Radioactivity

M1M2 Abrams Battle Tank is equipped with DU armor and carries 120mm rounds   by Elaine Hunter Lest anyone jump to the conclusion that this article is about my opinion, let’s start out with the military definition: ”Induced radiation: (DOD, NATO) Radiation produced as a result of exposure to radioactive materials, particularly the capture of […]

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