Posts Tagged ‘implants’

Breast Implants and Butt Lifts Are Infecting People With Deadly Flesh-Eating Fungus

Large numbers of people who have undergone cosmetic surgeries for their breasts and butts have contracted deadly fungal infections, according to reports. At least 12 people are dead in Matamoros, Mexico, after contracting the flesh-eating fungal […] The post Breast Implants and Butt Lifts Are Infecting People With Deadly Flesh-Eating Fungus appeared first on The People's […]

Trans Baby Killer To Receive Taxpayer-Funded Breast Implants At California Women’s Prison

A man who was convicted of beating two of his own young children to death is waiting to receive breast augmentation surgery because he now claims to be transgender. Jessica Marie Hann, born Jason Michael […] The post Trans Baby Killer To Receive Taxpayer-Funded Breast Implants At California Women’s Prison appeared first on The People's […]

EU PARLIAMENT Wants Mandatory Chip Implants for EU CITIZENS by May 2023 (published STUDY)

Rolling out according to plan isn’t it? Tony Blair speaking on topic at the WEF. This is from LawyerLisa’s Substack.. EWR The EU wants to TAG its citizens like CATTLE AND CAN START MAY 2023 The EU has been studying mandatory chip implants since 2017 and has an in depth published study examining the technology […]

WEF To Force Public To Wear ‘Brain Implants

WEF To Force Public To Wear ‘Brain ImplantsDate: September 22, 2022Author: Nwo Report   “There is NOTHING you can do about it.” Posted By: Baxter Dmitry A video taken at the World Economic Forum shows director Klaus Schwab plotting with Google co-founder Sergey Brin to install “brain implants” in our heads so that the globalist […]

WEF To Force Public To Wear ‘Brain Implants

WEF To Force Public To Wear ‘Brain ImplantsDate: September 22, 2022Author: Nwo Report   “There is NOTHING you can do about it.” Posted By: Baxter Dmitry A video taken at the World Economic Forum shows director Klaus Schwab plotting with Google co-founder Sergey Brin to install “brain implants” in our heads so that the globalist […]

WEF To Force Public To Wear ‘Brain Implants’ So the Elite Can Read Their Minds

@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) .novashare-buttons-wrapper { justify-content: center; }body .novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) a.novashare-button, body .novashare-inline .novashare-total-share-count { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; }body .novashare-buttons.novashare-inline .novashare-button-icon { width: 100%; } A video taken at the World Economic Forum shows director Klaus Schwab plotting with Google co-founder Sergey Brin to install “brain implants” in our heads so that […]

Cancers Reported in Scar Tissue Around Breast Implants: FDA Safety Alert

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Sept. 8 issued a safety alert about reports of cancers found in the capsule or scar tissue around breast implants. The agency stated that it had received 10 reports about squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and 12 reports about various lymphomas related to breast implants as of Sept. 1 this year. SCC […]

Developer of COVID-19 Vaccine Passport Says ‘Microchip implants are coming whether you like it or not’

    The developer of an implanted microchip that is linked to a COVID vaccine passport says that the mass chipping of humans as a means of verifying compliance is happening “whether we like it or not.” Speak for yourself. Dsruptive Subdermals developed a scannable implant about the size of a grain of rice which […]

Roswell’s Fallen Angel Breeding Program: Demonic Implants

By Lee Austin In reviewing the Roswell, New Mexico “alien” crash of 1947, there’s a contradiction hiding in plain sight for those who believe aliens are fallen angels. During the infamous autopsy film of the two beings who were found at the crash site, it became obvious they were not the dead bodies of humans, […]

Now in Sweden: Biochip Implants for Proof of Highest-Death-Report Experimental Vaccine Jabs in History

Above image source Treading a well-worn path from “strictly voluntary” as the still experimental COVID vaccines were called just months ago, only now to be made mandatory for ordinary life in city after city, Sweden is pioneering the implantation of RFID biochips between the thumb and forefinger as a way to prove submission to what […]

What’s Inside the Vaccine? Transgenic Hydra And Parasite Implants Used As Rapid Human Cloning Weapons System

By Dr. Ariyana Love | RedVoiceMedia The transhumanist dystopian nightmare we find ourselves in taking a new turn with the shocking discovery of Hydra Vulgaris and PARASITES in the so-called Covid-19 “vaccines”. Dr. Carrie Madej revealed her Hydra findings on the Stew Peter’s Show on September 29th, 2021, followed by Dr. Zandre Botha’s stunning discovery of microscopic, self-assembling medical […]


ANOTHER HIDDEN SECRET IN OBAMACARE ‘RFID CHIP IMPLANTS’ Tap News / Weaver NOTE: This may be old news to some, but few people are aware of this critical move by the Darkside for total control. —PHB ************** And now we come to it. On Sunday March 21, 2010 the Senate Healthcare bill HR3200 was passed […]

Post-baby mesh implants cause pain, infection, and superbugs; patients becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics

(Natural News) Urogynecological surgical mesh implants are one of the most frequently implemented treatment options for post-childbirth incontinence and womb prolapse. In the United Kingdom alone, 10,000 women undergo the procedure every year. A good number of them have had no issue with mesh procedures, while many others have been less fortunate. […]

Indian state offers free breast implants, hand transplants for the poor

“We have been doing surgeries to reconstruct entire breasts or a part for cancer victims,” head of plastic surgery Dr V Ramadevi said, as cited by Times of India. “Now, we plan to do surgeries for those who want to increase or reduce their breast size. As a plastic surgeon I don’t judge women when […]

Tech Entrepreneur Says Brain Microchip Implants Possible Within 15 Years

People will be able to buy new memories and delete unwanted ones in the near future as experts believe they are close to biohacking the body’s most powerful tool, according to a leading technology entrepreneur. Speaking at Lisbon’s Web Summit, Bryan Johnson, the founder of Kernel – a start-up researching the possibilities of microchips being […]

The Scientist Who Controlled People with Brain Implants

Brain implantation and manipulation is a mainstay of science fiction. Often, characters can gain extra memory or get smarter, by having chips placed within the brain.  (Or you can wind up mind-controlled by a psychopath. It’s a mixed bag.) But in real life, one scientist made huge strides towards creating workable brain implants. In the […]

Bill Gates Funding MIT Development of Micro Implants to Automatically Give Babies Vaccines

By Jay Syrmopoulos Cambridge, MA – A new discovery could revolutionize the way childhood vaccines are administered, as engineers at MIT have invented a way for multiple doses of a vaccine or drug to be given over an extended period of time with only one injection. The process involves the invention of a “new 3-D fabrication method […]

CIA sneak undetectable ‘malicious’ implants onto Windows OS – WikiLeaks

‘Angelfire’ consists of five components – ‘Solartime,’‘Wolfcreek,’ ‘Keystone,’ ‘BadMFS,’ and the ‘Windows Transitory File system,’ according to a statement from WikiLeaks released on Thursday. ‘Solartime’ modifies the partition boot sector of Windows XP or Windows 7 machines when installed, allowing the ‘Wolfcreek’ implant to load and execute. ‘Wolfcreek’ can then load and execute other ‘Angelfire’ […]

Why US and Swedish Companies Are Pushing Microchip Implants on Employees

Patrick Henningsen21st Century Wire British futurist Aldous Huxley wrote his literary classic Brave New World in 1931, and in less than one hundred years western society has already realized his dystopian vision. Back in 2010, I wrote a piece entitled, The 21st Century Matrix: Technocracy and the Rise of the Machines, where I talked about the […]

Judge Offers to Cut Jail Time if Inmates Get Vasectomies or Long Term Birth Control Implants

Judge Offers to Cut Jail Time if Inmates Get Vasectomies or Long Term Birth Control Implants July 25th, 2017 Via: News Channel 5: Inmates in White County, Tennessee have been given credit for their jail time if they voluntarily agree to have a vasectomy […]

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