Photo Credit: Micha Brandli/Unsplash North Korea (International Christian Concern) – After North Korea closed its border with China to fend off COVID-19 from entering the country since earlier this year, Christian organizations have suspended Bible smuggling activities into the North. According to Daily NK, the leader of a missionary group doing work in North Korea […]
Posts Tagged ‘impedes’
Federal Bureaucracy Impedes Border Patrol’s Attempts to Keep Country Safe
May 27th, 2018 Awake Goy
The U.S. Border Patrol has an immensely difficult job to do. They are tasked with stopping the flow of illegal immigrants and illicit drugs across our, still wall-less, southern border with Mexico. Not only must the Border Patrol contend with well-armed “coyotes,” chequadores, and cuidanderos who carry out and assist in the smuggling, human […]