(Natural News) A study carried out by researchers at the Aarhus University has revealed that chemotherapy affects brain network and impairs cognitive function. As part of the study, a team of health experts enrolled a total of 64 men who underwent testicular cancer surgery. The researchers noted that 22 of these men had chemotherapy following their operation, while 42 patients had […]
Posts Tagged ‘impair’
Chemo FAIL: Toxic chemotherapy found to impair memory, concentration, and brain function while having little or no long-term effect on cancer
December 4th, 2017 Awake Goy
Get rid of homework: Why adult expectations stress children and affect their development
April 6th, 2016 Awake Goy
If you are hoping to raise a child who always shares, who follows all the rules, and doesn’t act angry once in a while, you will want to skip the books by Heather Shumaker. A speaker and authority on early childhood and parenting, Shumaker has attracted attention for her argument that we should “ban […]