Posts Tagged ‘idiots’

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Idiots

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

“CCP’s Useful Idiots”: U.S. Rep Slams WHO COVID Origin Whitewash Report

More than 2 weeks after the media predicted catastrophe due to Texas lifting its mask mandate and Joe Biden labeled the move “neanderthal thinking,” COVID cases in Texas have dropped to a record low while hospitalizations are at their lowest since October. Oh. Earlier this month, Texas governor Greg Abbott announced an end to mask […]

Russians are the dumbest idiots on the planet!

By The Saker September 04, 2020 Russians are dumb.  Hopelessly stupid.  They are amateurs of the worst kind.  Ignoramuses on steroids.  Why? Well, for one, their so-called super-dooper biowarfare agent “Novichok” seems unable to kill anybody.  The Russians must have realized that.  This is why, when they tried to kill Skripal (after freeing him from jail) […]

Are NBA Players Useful Idiots For The Marxist, Anti-American “Black Lives Matter” Hate Group?

August 30, 2020 By Patrick J. McShay “If you vote Democrat in November, you’re voting for & violence, nihilism, and hate.” — Denise McCallister, Bestselling Co-Author of “Spygate” “The number one cause of death of young Black men 15 to 34 — is murder. Who’s committing the murder? Not police. Other black men!” — Juan […]

Why Idiots Wear Masks

Many people wear masks because workplaces force them to or because they need to go to the grocery store, but some people wear them because they are true believers. Views: 0

It Turns Out Fake News Isn’t Spread By Russia Or Bots — People Are Just Lazy Idiots

As non-Republicans continue their search for scapegoats to blame for Hillary Clinton’s presidential loss to Donald Trump, a major focus of Trump skepticism has been ‘fake news’ allegedly peddled by Russia to electioneer the 2016 vote. To their credit, 13 trolls thought to be working for the Russian government were recently uncovered in a massive investigation by […]

No Idiots, This is Not Racist

No Idiots, This is Not Racist Social justice warriors are trying to kill comedy Paul Joseph Watson January 11, 2018 Joyless social justice freaks are so intent on ruining everything, they’ve declared war on a fun meme. In their anodyne, drab world EVERYTHING that might offend someone has to be banned. If we let […]

NGO publishes names of 2,300+ RT guests, labels them ‘useful idiots who undermine Western democracy’

The report, claiming to be an “overview of RT’s editorial strategy and evidence of impact,”  comes with an Excel list of 2,327 people who have appeared on RT over the last four years. The names are carefully arranged in seven categories, including US politicians, UK politicians, European politicians and so on, and are arranged in […]

Duterte orders police to kill ‘idiots’ who violently resist arrest

Duterte paused his speech at the Heroes’ Cemetery near Manila on Monday to address comments to Jovie Espenido, a police chief inspector who has come under fire from human rights groups for his work against drugs. “Your duty requires you to overcome the resistance of the person you are arresting… [If] he resists, and it […]

Video: Idiots React to Trump’s Wrestling Tweet

Video: Idiots React to Trump’s Wrestling Tweet Dear mainstream media; save me your sanctimonious crap Paul Joseph WatsonPrison July 3, 2017 I’ve had it with the media’s sanctimonious crap about Trump “encouraging violence”. The MSM has encouraged violence against Trump & his supporters for most of the last 2 years. Please share this video! […]

Reign Of Idiots

The idiots take over in the final days of crumbling civilizations. Idiot generals wage endless, unwinnable wars that bankrupt the nation. Idiot economists call for reducing taxes for the rich and cutting social service programs for the poor, and project economic growth on the basis of myth. Idiot industrialists poison the water, the soil and […]

Whites Fleeing Western Europe

An immigrant exodus quietly picking up speed underscores a shift in European demographics. The reverse of the current non-European invasion of Western Europe, the two phenomena are related. Many are familiar with the concept of White flight. Entire cities in South Africa, the U.S and Britain morphed into poverty-riddled non-White ghettoes. This occurred when indigenous […]

Dutch duo expose prejudices by reading ‘Koran verses’ from Bible (VIDEO)

Call them pranksters, call them sociologists, but Alexander Spoor and Sacha Harland certainly knew how to provoke discussion by conducting what they called “The Holy Koran Experiment” on their YouTube channel Dit is Normaal (This is Normal). “If two men sleep with each other they will both have to be killed,” from Leviticus 20:13 was […]

House Approves Bill to Protect Names of Pennsylvania Cops Who Kill

Fearing transparency would place officers’ lives at risk, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives approved a bill Tuesday that would make it illegal to release the names of officers under investigation for shooting or abusing citizens in the line of duty. The only exception would be if the officer ends up charged with a crime. ~ […]

U.S., Turkey Joint Operation Designed To Save ISIS, Not Destroy It

With Russia annihilating terrorist vermin all across Syria from the air and the SAA personally mopping up the remainders in village after village, it appears the West has shifted from utter panic to an attempt to launch a Hail Mary and save its jihadist pets as well as the plan to overthrow the secular government […]

‘The Resonance’: ET’s & Humans To Come Together?

Lana Marconi, Ph.D., Th.D., has produced and hosted over 50 healthy living television shows on Rogers TV. Her film work includes directing and producing two feature length documentaries aimed at raising humanity’s consciousness. She is currently working on her third documentary and invites interested sponsors to participate through financial donations on her website. In her […]

16th Century Gothic Chapel Turned Into Starry Night Sky

At a charity event held in the University of Cambridge, Paris-based digital projection artist Miguel Chevalier turned the university’s 16th-century King’s College Chapel into a stunning backdrop for his hypnotizing light show. As each speaker at the ‘Dear World… Yours, Cambridge’ event spoke about their topic, the chapel was filled with projections that artfully illustrated their points. […]

Buk Manufacturer Test Exposes Dutch MH17 Terror Cover Up – Veterans Today

. <!– –> Home Health Agent Orange Coping Gulf War Illness (GWI) Medical Disability Benefits PTSD Investigations 9/11 Holocaust JFK Assassination Paris Attacks 2015 Sandy Hook Life Art, Books, & Entertainment Economy & Business Education Environment Food, Wine & Travel History Civil War (1861-1865) Cold War (1947-1991) Gulf War (1990-1991) Iraq War (2003-2011) Korean War […]

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