I guess there’s a reason things are the way they are… right? Credit: mSeattle, CC BY Income inequality in America has been growing rapidly, and is expected to increase. While the widening wealth gap is a hot topic in the media and on the campaign trail, there’s quite a disconnect between the perceptions of economists […]
Posts Tagged ‘hot topic’
Time & Space: Corrupted Reality
May 23rd, 2015 FAKE NEWS for the Zionist agenda
TruthMediaRevolution covers an array of topics on strange anomaly’s of our time reality. If many of you remember a few years ago AbelDanger and ChrissySumer began uncovering the hot Topic of SERCO a corporation that seemingly came out of nowhere yet it was revealed they owned most operations around the world. At the time many […]
Anti-vaxxer celebrities – How ‘against vaccines’ are they?
May 19th, 2015 FAKE NEWS for the Zionist agenda
(NaturalNews) When you hear a celebrity is anti-vaccine, give them credit for standing up for sharing their beliefs. Vaccines are such a hot topic today any celebrity who speaks out against them invites media attacks and a loss of fans. You might be surprised to learn what these celebrities have actually said or […]