The final MAGA rally transpired in Beverly Hills, California on Saturday as thousands of Trump supporters gathered three days ahead of the 2020 presidential election. Whitney R. The final Beverly Hills pro-Trump rally ahead of the widely anticipated November election started with some conflict with protesters, but that didn’t stop Trump supporters from rallying in […]
Posts Tagged ‘hills’
Trump Supporters Fill Streets of Beverly Hills: ‘The Silent Majority is Silenced No More’
Wyoming’s Ruinous Roundup: Antelope Hills Wild Horse Herd Will Never Be the Same — Straight from the Horse’s Heart
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The Seven Hills of Rome: Center Stage in Rome’s Eventful History
The Seven Hills of Rome are a group of hills to the east of the Tiber River, the main river within the city. These hills are important as they are considered the center of the city of Rome, and it was around them that the city was begun back in 753 BC. The seven hills […]
WATCH: BLM Activists, Trump Supporters Brawl in Park in Beverly Hills
Multiple videos tweeted on Saturday appear to show fights breaking out between Black Lives Matter activists, Antifa, and Trump Supporters, according to observers. In one video, people who appear to be law enforcement can be seen standing back and not intervening to keep the peace. “BLM activists and Trump supporters are brawling in Beverly Hills,” […]
Testing nonviolence in the South Hebron Hills: Day 8 of Sumud Freedom Camp
Eight days ago, I woke up with 130 other American and international Jews on a rooftop in the South Hebron Hills and in order to avoid being stopped at checkpoints, hiked into the village of Sarura to take part in an unprecedented number of Jews from abroad who are participating in a Palestinian-led coalition seeking to return families forcibly […]
GOP Candidates Compete Over Who Will Commit Most War Crimes Once Elected
GOP Candidates Compete Over Who Will Commit Most War Crimes Once Elected At a rally in New Hampshire on Monday night, Donald Trump was criticizing Ted Cruz for having insufficiently endorsed torture — Cruz had said two nights earlier that he would bring back waterboarding, but not “in any sort of widespread use” — when […]
Resistance to Israel censorship grows in France
Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 27 January 2016 In a direct challenge to recent legal rulings, activists staged a protest calling for the boycott of Israeli goods at a LIDL supermarket in the south of France on 23 January. (Source: BDS France) France’s justice minister Christiane Taubira resigned on Wednesday in a row over planned […]
China’s Financial Crisis Erupts Again–What’s Next?
The primary indicator of excess liquidity and financial asset investment and speculation is debt. Debt—i.e. credit extended by lenders—is the mediating element between liquidity and financial asset investing. Excess liquidity is necessary for the availability of excess credit to be loaned out as debt. Debt and its leveraging is the stuff of financial asset over-investment […]