Rachel Boothroyd-Rojas (VA) : Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro hit back at his US counterpart Barack Obama on Tuesday, accusing him of having an “obsession” with undermining the South American country’s leftist government. The retaliation comes as a response to a CNN Español interview with Obama aired on Monday, in which the US president claims to be “worried” […]
Posts Tagged ‘highstakes’
Incendiary Radio: John Kaminski & John Friend
December 15th, 2015 Awake Goy
https://archive.org/download/IncendiaryRadioWithRobertReyvolt2015.12.13/Incendiary%20Radio%20with%20Robert%20Reyvolt%202015.12.13.mp3 Download link Robert discusses many important topics with John Kaminski and John Friend. Source Article from http://renegadetribune.com/incendiary-radio-john-kaminski-john-friend/ Views: 0