The kiss of the wind that I love best, Has the tang of the open sea, Oh, the warm moist air that breathes the west, Is the wind that sets me free; Where a man may go to the farthest shore, Yet return by a different route, Where the wheel may turn neither north […]
Posts Tagged ‘hex’
Dr. David Duke, Pastor Dankof, Dr. Slattery — Dissecting and Deprogramming the CNN Blitzer Ziofest Repub Debates!
December 17th, 2015 Awake Goy
Pastor Mark Dankof spelled out the implications of the “no fly zone” being called for by most Republican candidates, as well as by Hillary Clinton. Of course it would mean shooting down Russian jets, a point made explicit by Chris Christie. Only Rand Paul called him out on his insanity. Pastor Dankof explained the exasperation […]