A woman stands next to a large flame, with a staff in one hand and tending to the fire with the other. This is Hestia, the Greek goddess of the hearth, home, and family. Her name literally means “hearth” or “fireplace.” Although Hestia may not be the strongest among her peers, she holds great importance […]
Posts Tagged ‘hearth’
Our Hearth
April 20th, 2021 Awake Goy
Defaced by a virus, the Earth stands all alone. Humanity — will it survive the crackling of the coronal core? Write, write of the masked men. Faces forgotten. Lipsticks abandoned. How long will it last? Few frightened haggard monied move towards an exodus to Mars. Waterlogged, virus-worn stands the home, the hearth. Frightening in desolation, […]