Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times “Make no mistake about it – Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or becoming happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It is seeing through the façade of pretense. It is the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” […]
Posts Tagged ‘healer’
Soviet Union’s mass delusion: Psychic healer who ‘cured’ millions through TV dies
The TV screen shows a middle-aged man with a bouffant and square-rimmed glasses soundlessly making strange repetitive gestures – pushing back force fields, sweeping away bad energy, perhaps stroking a giant invisible feline. It’s impossible to say what he is doing, as he himself explains nothing, moving his lips noiselessly, save for an occasional sigh […]
29 Signs You Are Born To Be A Spiritual Healer
Here is a list of 29 signs that tell if you were born to be a spiritual healer. Some may surprise you! Of course it doesn’t mean that if you experience 1 or 2 of these that you must be a spiritual healer. However, if this strangely resonates with you, if you experience a couple […]
Apple vs. the Feds: a Case of Overblown Rhetoric?
Apple’s refusal to cooperate with the FBI to help unlock the phone of terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook calls to mind the old Jack Benny line “Your money or your life.” Apple’s rhetorical argument seems to rest on a similar stark choice: “Your privacy or your life.” But that doesn’t represent what’s really […]
The Amazing Health Benefits of Elderberry (includes Elderberry Herb Syrup Recipe!)
24th January 2016 By Elisha McFarland N.D. Guest Writer for Wake Up World The elderberry and flowers are used to make wines, cordials, marmalades, jelly, syrups and medicinals. This wonderful fruit grows in many regions of North America, Europe, Asia and North Africa. The most commonly used variety is the European elderberry (Sambucus nigra), as it […]
Planet Healer Obama Calls It: In 2008, he declared his presidency would result in ‘the rise of the oceans beginning to slow’ — And By 2011, Sea Level Drops!
Sept 22, 2011President Barack Obama can take a bow. As Obama struggles with poor polling numbers, persistent high unemployment, the possibly of a primary challenge within his own party and a stagnant economy saddled with massive deficits and debts, one area where he can claim success is his prediction that he would slow sea level […]