Posts Tagged ‘harding’

Missing Sub Rider Hamish Harding Once Dove Mariana Trench, Accepted Risk Of No Rescue

“If something goes wrong, you are not coming back,” the British explorer and businessman said after traversing the deepest underwater trenches in 2021. Source Views: 0

Player or pawn? Luke Harding’s Russiagate ‘scoop’

Last week there were a flurry of headlines from more centrist media spaces claiming that allegations about the Russian government actively helping Donald Trump take the White House in 2016 had finally been proven. The ‘proof’ first appeared in a July 15th story by a British reporter, Luke Harding, who based it on documents that we’re meant to […]

The 1920s white supremacist influencer beloved by president Harding – and Hitler

Few people can place — much less pronounce — the name Lothrop Stoddard. During his 1920s heyday, however, Stoddard’s writings transformed the Ku Klux Klan and popularized the “Nordic” movement for global white supremacy. With some Americans calling the January 6 Washington DC, Capitol Hill riot “white supremacy in action,” his legacy clearly still simmers […]

Freemasons, Pedophilia and the Case Of Keith Harding

By Thomas Müller of The New Nationalist The case of Keith Harding provides more smoking-gun proof that pederasts infiltrated British establishment, government and Freemasonry. They are using its pervasive influence to protect their fellow perverts’ evil predations and are involved in the largest pedophile ring in the world. Shamed: Harding was unmasked as an active member […]

Public Theater made a ‘firm commitment’ to Palestinian play– I wouldn’t have contributed otherwise

I’m writing because Mondoweiss has been following the Public Theater’s betrayal of The Freedom Theatre (TFT), first in an article under Philip Weiss’s by-line and several days later in a follow-up by Rob Bryan. I was a financial supporter of the Freedom Theatre’s residency. On February 24, the Public refunded to me the substantial contribution […]

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