Dopo l’annuncio di Pyongyang di aver effettuato il test sotterraneo di una bomba nucleare all’idrogeno, il presidente Obama, pur mettendo in dubbio che si tratti veramente di una bomba all’idrogeno, chiede «una risposta internazionale forte e unitaria al comportamento incosciente della Corea del Nord». Dimentica però che sono stati proprio gli Usa a fornire alla […]
Posts Tagged ‘ha’
Scheming Zionists Plot Gun Control with Fake Road Rage Killings
December 17th, 2015 Awake Goy
Scheming Zionists Plot Gun Control with Fake Road Rage Killings In the purported road rage incidents, now, in Oklahoma and, previously, in New Mexico are absolutely fake. These shootings never occurred. It is fully staged. Yet, it is said: ARAPAHO, Okla. (AP) – A western Oklahoma sheriff says two people are dead after a man […]
The White Slut Problem is a Problem of White Masculinity
December 1st, 2015 Awake Goy
Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer November 30, 2015 Russians: Not dealing with this issue. In my last anti-feminist article, some felt that I was attacking or condemning women for being sluts and flooding the who place with monkeys. To be clear, I was not doing that. I am actually such a misogynist that I don’t believe women […]