As you’ve probably already heard, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently made an announcement declaring the Zika virus to be a global health emergency. They did so without providing much detail about the disease, however, so here is some more information and answers to questions many people are asking, such as: Where did it come […]
Posts Tagged ‘gout’
1947 Rockefeller Patent Shows Origins Of Zika Virus: And What About Those Genetically Modified Mosquitoes?
February 4th, 2016 Awake Goy
Statin scam exposed: Cholesterol drugs cause rapid aging, brain damage and diabetes
October 20th, 2015 Awake Goy
(NaturalNews) Statins, the widely prescribed class of drugs said to lower “bad” cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart problems, has recently come under fire after a study revealed that they destroy human health more than they work to improve it. Sadly, many people take statin drugs, which are commonly known by brand […]