Above Photo: AFP PHOTO / ANWAR AMRO Anand Gopal built his career as a writer with on the ground reporting from Afghanistan where he embedded with the Taliban. He gave some insight into their motivations. Anand Gopal is now a shill for the U.S. “regime change” crimes in Syria. He is also attempting to justify the existence and […]
Posts Tagged ‘gopal’
How Anand Gopal Directed People To Join ISIS And Shills For “Regime Change” In Syria
May 11th, 2017 Awake Goy
How Anand Gopal Directed People To Join ISIS – Shills For "Regime Change" In Syria
May 4th, 2017 Awake Goy
Anand Gopal built his career as a writer with on the ground reporting from Afghanistan where he embedded with the Taliban. He gave some insight into their motivations. Anand Gopal is now a shill for the U.S. “regime change” crimes in Syria. He is also attempting to justify the existence and crimes of […]