Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer April 3, 2016 Likes like a whole other mess for Russia. Right on cue. RT: Azerbaijan has decided to unilaterally cease all hostilities in Karabakh, the country’s Defense Ministry said. It added it would resume military action if attacked. “Based on our love of peace and the calls of international organizations, Azerbaijan […]
Posts Tagged ‘glorious’
American Government Pushing Discredited “Working Definition of Antisemitism” on European Governments
Diversity Macht Frei March 18, 2016 I wrote last year about how Jews had been pushing a definition of antisemitism that was extremely favourable to their ethnic agenda, significantly misrepresenting its origins and credibility. This was what is often billed as the “EU’s working definition of antisemitism”. It begins by defining antisemitism extremely abstractly, then […]
Calais: 3 Identitarians Imprisoned Over Protest
The New Observer March 15, 2016 Three members of the French Identitarian movement have been sentenced to three months in prison for their participation in last weekend’s blocking of the roads leading to the Calais Jungle. News of the sentencing was broken by Génération Identitaire on their website with a statement which promised that they […]
These Missiles, Goyim: They are Filled with Hate
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Brace Yourselves: World War Trump has Begun
Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer March 12, 2016 Last night, a planned Trump rally in Chicago was shut down by protesters. An arena where Trump was meant to speak was filled with anti-Trump protesters. Trump was forced to cancel, because the protesters were inside the arena. From the pictures, the protest side was made up of a […]
Michelle Fields Hoax: Jewish Conspiracy Confirmed!
Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer March 11, 2016 Well, the Michelle Fields assault hoax has collapsed. And I’m pissed off. New video has emerged proving definitively it did not happen as the lying Jew media has been claiming non-stop for the last 36 hours or so. Breitbart – who Fields was working for when she did the […]
Bill O’Reilly Says Trump Isn’t the New Hitler
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Donald Trump Speaking At Regent University In Virginia Beach, VA
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Poll: Cruzman Sachs Only has One Point on Glorious Leader in Texas
Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer February 25, 2016 He claimed to have the spirit of Jesus. Turned out it was the spirit of diabolical Jew bankers. You will know them by their works (or tricks). HAHA! Cruzman Sachs has been destroyed by Our Leader. He tried some dirty tricks without realizing who it actually was who wrote […]
Why Obama’s military aid to Israel is breaking all records
Ali Abunimah Lobby Watch 15 February 2016 Record military aid for Israel will be Barack Obama’s enduring legacy on the Israeli-Palestinian issue as his presidency draws to a close. (Mark Israel/Flickr) The Obama administration is offering Israel “the largest single pledge of military assistance to any country in US history,” an American official has confirmed. […]
There will be No Autopsy for Scalia
Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer February 16, 2016 I’m not usually into conspiracy theories, but… …this was pretty convenient, no? Chicago Tribune: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died of natural causes and no autopsy was necessary, a judge has told The Associated Press. Chris Lujan, a manager for Sunset Funeral Homes in Texas, said the 79-year-old […]
Israeli court refuses to let dying hunger striker go
Charlotte Silver Rights and Accountability 15 February 2016 Palestinians hold a protest in support of hunger-striking journalist Muhammad al-Qiq in front of the Red Cross office in Gaza City on 14 February. Mohammed Asad APA images Israel’s high court ruled on Monday afternoon that Muhammad al-Qiq may not be be transferred to a hospital in the […]
Jewish Terrorists Demand Ape Ruler Destroy Their Enemies
Daily Stormer January 18, 2016 If there’s one group of terrorist Barack Obama has not done enough for, it’s filthy Jewish terrorists. Time to step up to the plate and feed these Jews, you stupid, deformed monkey. Jerusalem Post: The Simon Wiesenthal Center on Friday called on President Barack Obama to convene a summit to […]
British Celebrity Says Britain is Full
Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer January 14, 2016 I don’t even know who this guy is, but he sure does have a “time to take out the trash” face, no? The Trump Effect has combined with Cologne gang-rape fatigue to create a situation where even celebrities can come out and be like “yo dawg, why you puttin […]
NRO Kikeservatives on the Run as Comments Section in Ruins
Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer January 10, 2016 Jonah Mountain of Gold is feeling the pressure. Yesterday’s NRO raid has been an extreme success. The whole place has been totally ruined. They aren’t even bothering to try to delete all the shitlording that is going down inside of their cuckold base. Presently, we must continue the push. […]
San Francisco: Elderly Artist Beat to Death by Black Male
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Norwegian Police: “Oslo is Lost”
Gronland is a district in Oslo, Norway, very close to Parliament. Per a Poqari News report, the area looks like “Karachi, Basra, and Mogadishu all rolled into one.” The situation has devolved to such a point that the police in Gronland have declared: “Oslo is lost.” Gronland’s been on track to join the caliphate for […]
Norwegian Police: “Oslo is Lost”
Gronland is a district in Oslo, Norway, very close to Parliament. Per a Poqari News report, the area looks like “Karachi, Basra, and Mogadishu all rolled into one.” The situation has devolved to such a point that the police in Gronland have declared: “Oslo is lost.” Gronland’s been on track to join the caliphate for […]
Massive NATO Build-Up in Eastern Europe
Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer December 15, 2015 So far, NATO’s main purpose has been sending Jewish females to shake the hands of bag females. Are they truly ready for a World War? Is the West seriously going to start a World War with Russia?Sputnik: NATO has considerably increased its military presence in the Baltic countries, Poland […]