The strange discovery was made on August 24, 2016 in Pingyan, a small village in southwest China. The mysterious giant footprints show signs that they are the real deal and not some artistic carving. The erosion of the rock in which the footprints are embedded suggests an age of several thousand years, possibly more. Many […]
Posts Tagged ‘giants’
Soil, Monsanto and the Agribusiness Giants: Conning the World with Snake Oil and Doughnuts
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Finally a real-world use for blockchain: Food industry giants using it to prevent food fraud and speed logistics
(Natural News) Food fraud is a serious problem, and it’s estimated to cost the global food industry around $40 billion each year. It’s not just a costly problem; it can also be a deadly one, as the 2008 crisis with melamine-tainted milk that killed at least six babies illustrated. Two out of five Chinese […]
No ‘dark place’ for criminals: Australia plans to force tech giants to help with online decryption
“We need to ensure that the internet is not used as a dark place for bad people to hide their criminal activities from the law,” Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said at a press conference Friday. Under the new law, companies like Google and Facebook will have to cooperate with Australian police and intelligence by […]
Archaeologists discover ancient tombs filled with actual GIANTS… "unusually tall and strong" people once roamed the planet
(Natural News) An excavation site in Jiaojia village in eastern China’s Shandong province near Jinan City, which had been known to be around 5,000 years old, was recently discovered to house men who were considered “giants” by ancient (5,000 years ago) standards. The corpses, which came from the Longshan culture during the late Neolithic civilization […]
WHAT GUARANTEE IS THERE THAT THE THREE AREN’T STILL WORKING FOR ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE ? How did the US Intelligence allow these US incorporated companies to tie up with former Israeli cyber Intelligence heads ? Would Israel allow former NSA heads or cyber intelligence chiefs of any other nation to create companies and then tie up […]
Pornographers & Perverts are Modern Literary Giants
June 16, 2017 Source Article from Views: 0
China and Russia take on aviation giants Boeing and Airbus in launch of joint venture to build wide-body commercial jet
China and Russia on Monday completed the formal registration of a joint venture to build a wide-body jet, kick-starting full-scale development of a program aimed at competing with market leaders Boeing Co (BA.N) and Airbus SE (AIR.PA). State plane makers Commercial Aircraft Corp of China Ltd (COMAC) [CMAFC.UL] and Russia’s United Aircraft Corp (UAC) […]
FROME MEDIA EVENT: Disarming the #FakeNews Media Giants – Media on Trial
21st Century Wire says… A ground breaking event has been organised by UK’s Frome Stop War on the 11th June 2017. #FakeNews has become the catch-all for the corporate media battle against the swelling ranks of independent journalists and media outlets who threaten to dismantle their well constructed tower of lies surrounding international and domestic […]
Two years of terror: 278 people have died in recent terror attacks in Europe
Editor’s comment: 278 has died in recent terror attacks in Europe during the last two years alone. Is this the new normal? French PM after the Nice attacks suggested that “we have to get use to it.” Is Germany next? #IslamicState claim #Germany next terror target. Is multiculturalism & open borders worth it? #Nice #Paris #Brussels — Henrik Palmgren (@Henrik_Palmgren) July 17, […]
RT targeted by massive DDoS attack during attempted Turkey coup
The channel was able to resume streaming, but the servers were attacked again after some time. Biggest attack on Website hit by 10 Gbps DDoS “We received a major DDoS attack when the Turkish coup started, second one from when we started streaming RT; this time HTTP headers were infested with some new code […]
In a speech before the European Parliament discussing the consequences of the Brexit vote, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, made the stunning comment that he had spoken about it to “leaders of other planets.” Juncker’s comment suggests that world leaders are in communication with extraterrestrials, which closely monitor global events and assess […]
Mainstream Media Finally Admits Mass Banker ‘Suicides’ Were Likely a Vast Criminal Conspiracy
In 2015 there was a popular “conspiracy theory” floating around the internet after a rash of mysterious “suicides” by high profile banking professions. by Jay Syrmopoulos What once looked like wild speculation is now beginning to resemble a vast criminal conspiracy connected to the Libor, interest-rigging scandal. Over forty international bankers allegedly killed themselves over […]
Portugal is Winning the War on Drugs by Decriminalizing Them
Prohibition and other means of limiting the individual only acts as a trigger for a deeper desire of obtaining that forbidden thing. by Ewao Merely the simple thought of at least decriminalizing, rather then legalizing, raises doubts and controversia amongst the conservatives that jump to hasty conclusions, for instance, they fear it would mean the […]
Ancient Giants and the Underground Hyperborean Gallery Unearthed in Romania
Stories of giants living peacefully in complete harmony with nature have touched our ears from the earliest of ages. But who knew those stories were based on real events with ancient giants that once ruled over the lands surrounding the Carpathian Mountains? by Ufoholic Around 3500 BC, an enigmatic civilization called the Agathyr, belonging to […]
The Ancient Astronauts who Rebelled Against the Anunnaki: The IGIGI
The Ancient Anunnaki are said to have created the human race by genetically modifying early humans in order to use them as a labor force. But before humans were created, the Igigi were used by the ancient Anunnaki as their main labor force. by Ancient Code It is said that the Igigi — they who […]
Buried Enigma: Nevada’s Lost Race of Cannibalistic Redheaded Giants
Was North America once inhabited by a race of cannibalistic giants? According to an old legend supported by several challenging archaeological finds, this unnerving scenario is possible. by Agent I Many Native American tribes tell stories about the long-forgotten existence of a race of humans that were much taller and stronger than ordinary men. These […]