The rules are falling to pieces because powerful people refuse to abide by them or enforce them This Ukraine fiasco suggests that America is falling into gangsterism Powerful players no longer care what elected officials say or think as they conduct their private agendas. “Whenever there is a terrorist attack, the main question immediately […]
Posts Tagged ‘gangsterism’
Going Underground – International Gangsterism & Neoliberal Militarisation w/ 2016 US VP Candidate Ajamu Baraka
Going Underground – International Gangsterism & Neoliberal Militarisation w/ 2016 US VP Candidate Ajamu Baraka Going Underground with Afshin We talk about the history of International gangsterism and neoliberal militarisation alleged by the man who could have been Mike Pence, 2016 USA Vice Presidential candidate, Ajamu Baraka. LIKE Going Underground Going Underground […]
#WhitesAgainstTrump Appears to Have Been Yet Another Jewish Conspiracy
Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer December 18, 2015 On Wednesday, #WhitesAgainstTrump was trending on Twitter. It was alleged that the hashtag was created by a Jew. I support #WhitesForTrump because #WhitesAgainstTrump was created by a black and a Jew in order to attack us — Ethan Lambert (@eblambert88) December 17, 2015 The BBC is reporting that […]
Acuerdo bilateral de inversiones entre China y Costa Rica aprobado en primer debate: breves apuntes
El pasado 27 de octubre, en avanzadas horas de la noche se aprobó en primer debate por parte de la Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica el “Acuerdo Bilateral para la Promoción y Protección de Inversiones” entre Costa Rica y China, suscrito en Beijing el 24 de octubre del 2007 (ver nota de CRHoy): el resultado […]