Posts Tagged ‘gang’

New Zealand Street Names Deemed “Too White”

The Dunedin City Council in New Zealand has come under fire for compiling a list of names for new streets that is made up of only white men.  It is unclear in the media who initially made this criticism of the list of 18 names, but it likely came from within the council itself. Lisa […]

Two US Navy F-18 Super Hornet fighter jets crash in the Atlantic off North Carolina’s coast

     Two of the US Navy’s F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jets have crashed off the coast of North Carolina on Thursday, the US Coast Guard confirmed. Their crews have been recovered and taken to a hospital. Four people have been recovered and taken to the Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in Norfolk, Virginia, the Virginian-Pilot reported […]

Two US Navy F-18 Super Hornet fighter jets crash in the Atlantic off North Carolina’s coast

     Two of the US Navy’s F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jets have crashed off the coast of North Carolina on Thursday, the US Coast Guard confirmed. Their crews have been recovered and taken to a hospital. Four people have been recovered and taken to the Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in Norfolk, Virginia, the Virginian-Pilot reported […]

2.8 to 4 Million Nonwhite Voters in UK

There are at least 2.8 million—and potentially as many as four million—nonwhite voters in Britain, the product of decades of legal immigration, and who will play a pivotal role in ensuring a “remain” victory in the upcoming referendum on European Union membership. The large number of nonwhite voters was revealed in a press release […]

How to Render the Police State Powerless

The following op-ed was submitted via our Submit page by Jules Manson The only mission of the state should be to shelter common citizens from internal conflict (fraud, violent crime, etc.) or external aggression (war, foreign invasion, etc.) and nothing more else it oversteps its delegated (by the people, constitution, etc.) boundaries by building a […]

Italy Now Focus for Invasion

Italy is fast becoming the new focus for the nonwhite invasion of Europe following the closing of the Balkans route, with European Union Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini warning that over half a million fake refugees are massing in Libya in preparation for the assault. Last year, some 160,000 nonwhites invaded Italy by boat, and […]

The David Duke Show: An Analysis of Jewish Power in America, Why They Hate Trump and Now Support Cruz

David Duke March 28, 2016 Today Dr. Duke described the “pincer movement” in the media where Trump is being lambasted by the liberal media for his politically incorrect views and statements, while at the same time giving Cruz a free pass even when he apes the Donald’s positions. No doubt the media and Republican establishment […]

The depression cure: Counteracting the health impact of a civilized lifestyle

     Depression is a global epidemic. It is the main driver behind suicide, which now claims more than a million lives per year worldwide. One in four Americans will suffer from clinical depression within their lifetimes, and the rate is increasing with every generation. It robs people of sleep, energy, focus, memory, sex drive and […]

Officer Sentenced to 11 Years for Raping Child and Dog

Derren Jon Tomlinson, 44, admitted to charges of raping a girl under the age of 13, and also a dog. He was sentenced to 11 years and four months in Shrewsbury Crown Court. Tomlinson had worked as a Police Community Support Officer for about nine years when the offenses came to light during an inquiry […]

Google robot is "the end of manual labor"

From: Boston Dynamics’ new “Atlas” robot is a game changer, not just for companies, but for society, CEO Jason Calacanis said Wednesday. “This is really the end of manual labor. When you watch this video, he’s walking through the snow; he’s wobbly, but he gets back up,” the tech […]

Hezbollah Operates Air Defense Missiles against Zionist Warplanes: Israel

Local Editor The Zionist entity asserted that Hezbollah has obtained sophisticated Russian air defense systems after managing to transmit them from Syria to Lebanon despite the Israeli military measures to frustrate the smuggling operations. The Lebanese newspaper, Al-Akhbar, quoted senior military sources in the Israeli army as saying that Hezbollah did operate the air defense […]

Grinding down the people: UK Govt to impose contract on junior doctors

     Ministers have decided to impose a new contract on NHS junior doctors after the British Medical Association rejected a “best and final” offer to settle the bitter dispute, Jeremy Hunt has told MPs. In a Commons statement, the health secretary confirmed that he was finally acting on his longstanding threat after months of negotiations […]

Iran: UNSC should not sanction world states over fabricated threats

New York, Feb 12, IRNA – Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Gholamali Khoshroo has said that UN Security Council’s sanctions should only be imposed on perimeter of UN Charter and not for fabricated threats.  Khoshroo made the remarks in a statement addressed on Thursday to the Security Council on Working methods […]

Moscow journalist union slams Berlin criminal case against Russian TV correspondent

“The Secretariat of Moscow’s Union of Journalists expresses great confusion and outrage at the opening of a criminal case by Berlin prosecutor’s office against Russian Channel 1 TV correspondent Ivan Blagoy,” the organization’s press-office said in a statement on Monday. The union said that it supports Blagoy who is “a professional journalist and a decent […]

Ron Paul: Congress Enables Future Police State

The following is a column written by former congressman Ron Paul for the Wisconsin News. Passage of Sen. Mitch McConnell’s authorization for war against ISIS will not only lead to perpetual United States wars across the globe, it will also endanger our civil and economic liberties. The measure allows the president to place troops anywhere […]

Gyms, Wikipedia, & Anti-White Racism

A media-generated “uproar” following the innocent renaming of a River Falls, Wisconsin, school gym, and the blatant manipulation of Wikipedia, have served as the latest examples of the ongoing anti-white racism which is becoming endemic in society at large. As reported in the River Falls Journal, the Meyer Middle School in River Falls, Wisconsin, […]

Ex-German media boss admits on live radio the national news agenda is govt controlled

From: f you really want a lesson in how the Western popular press works, this is it. Without question, Germany is the leading power in Europe. ZDF is its state broadcaster and most popular channel. Together with sister network ARD; German’s are obliged to pay 17.98 per month to […]

Sheikh Miskeen: Syrian Army’s Most Important Southern Front Victory to Date ~ [Report by RIA Novosti correspondent, Videos]

Syrian Free Press (SputnikNews-RIA Novosti) ~ Earlier this week, the Syrian army, supported by Russian military aviation and pro-government militia, successfully liberated the strategic southern Syrian border town of Sheikh Miskeen. The town’s capture, a Russian reporter embedded on the ground suggests, is possibly the most important victory on the southern front to date. The […]

The Swedish town where armed gangs patrol the streets, crime has exploded and a beautiful social worker’s murder has shocked Europe: Zio-Watch: January 30, 2016

Turkey says it has summoned Russia’s ambassador to Ankara in protest at alleged violation of Turkish airspace by Russian jets. “A Su-34 plane belonging to the Russian Federation air force violated Turkish airspace at 11:46 local time yesterday (Friday)” despite radar warnings, the Turkish Foreign Ministry claimed in a statement on Saturday. The statement added that […]

Cologne Women Apologize For “Xenophobia” by Giving Migrants Roses Following Mass Molestation

From: Feminists more concerned about not appearing “Islamophobic” than protecting the safety of women Women in Cologne have responded to the mass molestation by predominantly Muslim migrants that occurred on New Years Eve by visiting the citys largest refugee center and handing out roses as a gesture against xenophobia. […]

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