Posts Tagged ‘FOX’

2 Years Since Cops Killed Eric Garner — Only Person Punished So Far is the Man Who Filmed It

Two years have now elapsed since New York City Police Officer Daniel Pantaleo choked Eric Garner to death for the apparently egregious crime of selling loose cigarettes — but the only one facing any punishment for what many believe to be a cold-blooded murder is the man who filmed it. “I can’t breathe,” Garner pleaded […]

Latest France Attack Timed to Distract from the Release of 28 Pages Implicating Saudi Arabia in 9/11 Attacks?

The unforgettable terror attacks on September 11th, 2001 have been a source of controversy for well over a decade. by Mary Wilder Everyone seems to have a different theory about why the events took place and who is really responsible for them in the first place. Now, nearly fifteen years later, 28 pages from a […]

Foreign Minister Says Turkish Coup Was Plot To Damage Russia-Turkey Ties

The Serbian foreign minister has claimed that the attempted Coup in Turkey last week was masterminded by forces attempting to destroy relations between Russia and Turkey.  Ivica Dacic has condemned Friday’s coup attempt, saying that the violent ‘uprising’ had no chance of bringing anything good to Turkish citizens. reports: “I am sure that the […]

Organic food industry divided after Organic Trade Association BETRAYS labeling movement by signing off on sham GMO-labeling bill

(NaturalNews) Both houses of Congress have now passed a measure to repeal all state and local laws requiring the labeling of food ingredients made with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and President Obama has indicated that he will sign the bill into law. While it’s no surprise that the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) and […]

"How America’s Afghan crusade came home to Orlando"

Orlando ISIS gunman was embedded in expatriate US-backed Afghan jihad network This exclusive is published by INSURGE INTELLIGENCE, a crowd-funded investigative journalism project for the global commons The US-Afghan military industrial complex surrounding Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen’s father stretches from Blackwater to Donald Trump. […]

Women largely equate self-worth with appearance, explaining their hypersensitivity to aging

(NaturalNews) The following is an excerpt from Denise Foley and Eileen Nechas’ book, Women’s Encyclopedia of Health & Emotional Healing, available for purchase here. Some women develop a sense of their own aging and begin the transition from youth into middle age in their thirties. Some begin in their forties, some even as […]

Parents Found Their Lost Kid…. But After 90 Years, Family Witnessed A Shocking Truth

6-year-old Bobby Dunbar. The Judge found the kid to be Bobby Dunbar and gave custody to Percy and Lessie, parents of Bobby Dunbar. And Walters was convicted of kidnapping the kid and was sentenced to jail for two years. Bobby Dunbar with his wife and kids in 1948. The boy raised as Bobby Dunbar grew […]

How the Illuminati Rig the Game: The Dreyfus Affair

This confirmed the widespread belief that Jews, led by Baron Edmund de Rothschild, constituted a fifth column and undermined French independence and culture.  Dreyfus was publicly stripped of his commission and given a life sentence at Devil’s Island. Throughout trial and imprisonment, Dreyfus professed his innocence. The Dreyfus Affair was an elaborate psy-op. The real […]

54-Year-Old Woman Robbed By THUG, Shoots Him Dead… Here’s His Family’s ABSURD Response

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– A black thug broke into a woman’s house and if he were still alive, he’s probably do it again. But he’s dead. And his family is mad at hell and their reasoning is absolutely absurd. Unbelievable… Relatives of 17-year-old Trevon Johnson are angry the teenager was shot and killed by a 54-year-old […]

Black TERRORISTS Try Bullying Black Trump Supporter, Shocked To Get THIS Instead [VID]

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – A black man was harassed by a violent hate group at a Donald Trump rally in St. Louis but you won’t hear about this in the mainstream media because it doesn’t fit their leftist narrative. You see, the black man is actually a Donald Trump supporter and the violent […]

Dy FM: Report on implementation of JCPOA to be presented to Majlis

Tehran, March 8, IRNA – Deputy Foreign Minister and head of headquarters to follow up implementation of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) Seyed Abbas Araqchi said that establishment of a verification bureau for Iran’s safeguards in International Atomic Energy agency (IAEA) is not contrary to JCPOA. He added that the report on implementation process […]

BREAKING: This Clinton Email SHOWED Terrorists How To Kill Amb. Chris Stevens

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – An email released on Monday containing the whereabouts and plans of murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens passed through Hillary Clinton’s private server, which means that the terrorists may have actually intercepted the message. In fact, numerous emails sent to Clinton’s private address betrayed Stevens’ location while he was stationed in […]

Dr. Duke and Dr. Kevin MacDonald Stump for the Trump on Super Tuesday — Make History Today!

Dr. Duke and Dr. Kevin MacDonald Stump for the Trump on Super Tuesday — Make History Today! Today Dr. Duke addressed the media’s baseless attempt to smear Donald Trump with the KKK. Amazingly, although he has been at the center of the news cycle over the past several days, he did not receive any interview […]

Dr. Duke and Dr. Kevin MacDonald Stump for the Trump on Super Tuesday — Make History Today!

Dr. Duke and Dr. Kevin MacDonald Stump for the Trump on Super Tuesday — Make History Today! Today Dr. Duke addressed the media’s baseless attempt to smear Donald Trump with the KKK. Amazingly, although he has been at the center of the news cycle over the past several days, he did not receive any interview […]

Dr. Duke and Dr. Kevin MacDonald Stump for the Trump on Super Tuesday — Make History Today!

Dr. Duke and Dr. Kevin MacDonald Stump for the Trump on Super Tuesday — Make History Today! Today Dr. Duke addressed the media’s baseless attempt to smear Donald Trump with the KKK. Amazingly, although he has been at the center of the news cycle over the past several days, he did not receive any interview […]

Dr. Duke and Dr. Kevin MacDonald Stump for the Trump on Super Tuesday — Make History Today!

Dr. Duke and Dr. Kevin MacDonald Stump for the Trump on Super Tuesday — Make History Today! Today Dr. Duke addressed the media’s baseless attempt to smear Donald Trump with the KKK. Amazingly, although he has been at the center of the news cycle over the past several days, he did not receive any interview […]

Scientists Claim They Can Create Babies Without Men By Injecting Eggs With Artificial Sperm

From: The Chinese team says the new discovery could pave the way for exciting new treatments to boost male fertility Scientists have claimed they have found a way for women to have babies without men by creating artificial sperm. The team from China claim they have created healthy mouse […]

Cultural Zionism good, political Zionism bad

Back in 2012 Peter Beinart wrote a book, The Crisis of Zionism, suggesting that Zionism has lost its way from the path promised in Israel’s declaration of independence. That promise was to develop the country for all its inhabitants based on precepts of liberty and justice; the promise was to achieve social and political equality […]

ISIS Woman Convicted In British Court After Returning From Syria

A British woman who took her toddler son to Syria to join ISIS has been found guilty of being a member of the terrorist group upon her return to the UK. Tareena Shakil is the first British woman to be convicted of terrorism offences after returning from Raqqa in Syria. ITV reports: Tareena Shakil, 26, was […]

BREAKING: This State Just Took A MASSIVE Stand Against Muslims, Obama Is FURIOUS…

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– South Carolina just did something that every state in the country needs to do- BAN SHARIA LAW! The South Carolina House has passed a bill blocking Islamic Sharia law from ever being recognized or approved in the state. The South Carolina Legislature bill H 3521, reads in part: The General Assembly finds […]

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