Mark Graham is a victim of a vicious attack by the Forestry Corporation of New South Wales, in a cospiracy of flase charges and charge stacking by NSW police. See this short 12min video documenting false accusations by both parties against Mr. Graham. No ‘inquiry’ into this? That’s life in a (penal) colony! Source Views: […]
Posts Tagged ‘forestry’
Jobs in the Woods Act addresses workforce challenges of forestry
The forest products industry, including loggers and log haulers, primary and secondary manufacturers, pulp and paper mills, paper packing plants, and paper facilities, is one of the largest manufacturing sectors in the U.S., sustaining nearly 926,000 families and contributing $353 billion annually to the U.S. economy. The sustainability and competitive viability of the forest products… […]
World Forestry Day—March 21
Protecting Natural Forests, Regenerating, Mimicking Old Forests to Create New Ones Today March 21 is UN International Day of Forests , also called World Forestry Day. While protection of natural forests has always been very important, at no other time was this more important than in present time with its unprecedented threat of climate change […]