Posts Tagged ‘fiat’

The Price of Solar Power Just Fell 50% in 16 months – Dubai at $.0299/kWh

The Price of Solar Power Just Fell 50% in 16 months – Dubai at $.0299/kWh May 3rd, 2016 Disclosure: I sell solar power systems in New Zealand. — Via: electrek: Dubai received bid of $.0299/kWh for 800MW of solar power. This price represents the […]

US Paradrops 50 Tons Of Ammo To Syrian Rebels

From: As we noted over the weekend, the US has now thrown in the towel on the ill-fated (and that’s putting it lightly) strategy of training Syrian fighters and sending them into battle only to be captured and killed by other Syrian fighters who the US also trained.  The Pentagon’s […]

Obama: The Assassination of Anwar Al-Awlaki by Fiat

Anwar al-Awlaki   There is ample evidence to suggest that the publicity surrounding the killing of al-Awlaki has greatly exaggerated his political importance and is an attempt to cover up the declining influence of the US in the Islamic world.   by Prof. James Petras   The killing of Anwar al-Awlaki a U.S citizen in […]

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