nsnbc : U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump was officially named as the Republican presidential nominee on Tuesday, after having rebuffed attempts from anti-Trump delegates to change party rules at the beginning of the 2016 Republican National Convention. Trump’s nomination was announced Tuesday night by House Speaker Paul Ryan, who said that “The chair announces that Donald […]
Posts Tagged ‘feel’
Freedom From Addictions
28th June 2016 By Melissa Joy Jonsson Guest writer for Wake Up World To see the beauty and clarity of a person emerging from the confusion of addiction is to witness grace in action. All addictions are placeholders in awareness that represent an attempt to find True Authentic Self and simultaneously avoid it. The placeholder […]
Settler runs over sheep flock belonging to Palestinian, killing 25
Violence / Detentions — West Bank, Jerusalem Israeli settler runs over Palestinian shepherd’s flock of sheep, kills 25 JERICHO (Ma‘an) 10 June — An Israeli settler ran over a flock of sheep belonging to a Palestinian shepherd near the al-Zubeidat village in the occupied West Bank district of Jericho on Friday, causing the death of […]
Palestinians forced to delay the start of Ramadan as Israel celebrates 49 years of ruling Jerusalem
Blue and white banners filled Jerusalem yesterday to mark 49 years of Israeli rule in the city. Crowds of settler youth chanted the slogan “the Jewish nation lives” as they marched under the ramparts of Damascus Gate. Many wore stickers supporting rabbi Meir Kahane, a former Knesset member kicked out of the government after calling for […]
Dozens Shot Over Memorial Day Weekend As The Collapse Of Chicago Accelerates
Chaos and violence threaten to spiral out of control in America’s third largest city, and nobody seems to have any idea how to solve the problem. After decades of control by the radical left, many parts of the “Windy City” have become rotting, decaying, gang-infested hellholes. Just like Detroit, the city of Chicago […]
‘Distrust brings distrust:’ Iran seeks compensation from US for ‘hostile action’ over past 63 yrs
Among the “hostile actions” mentioned in the bill are the US support for the coup against the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953, aiding Saddam Hussein in the war between Iraq and Iran in the 1980s, destruction of oil platforms in the Persian Gulf in 1988, and espionage against the Islamic Republic as […]
Complex life evolved 1bn years earlier than thought, study claims from fossil find
As evolution buffs know, there were several periods in the evolution of life on Earth, from less to more complex. What has always been a matter of disagreement is exactly when the leap from simpler organisms took place. Now, according to an international, Chinese-led study, the jump actually happened 1.5 billion years ago. This means […]
Settlers burn wide areas of Palestinian barley crops
Days of Palestine, West Bank -Extremist Israeli Jewish settlers burnt on Sunday morning wide areas of Palestinian barley crops southeast of Al-Khalil, occupied West Bank. The crops, Palestinian sources said, are located in the Palestinian village of Beit Awa in the southeast of Al-Khalil. Eyewitnesses said that the Israeli settlers, protected with the Israeli occupation […]
Sicko Lyin’ Ted Cruz: trusted or busted?
Sicko Lyin’ Ted Cruz: trusted or busted? Cringe as the rubber-faced creep Ted Cruz fails to hug his own hapless, socially maladjusted creeped-out daughter… Related… Who knows this asshole better than his own family? We are all Ted Cruz’s daughter!.. Ted Cruz is posing with a confessed pedophile. Underage girls in #CruzSexScandal? He hasn’t denied it!… […]
Gay commie Obama exposed as an antichrist with a JEW arranged ‘reptilian alien’ implant in his monkey cloned brain
Computing Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) The brain consists of specialized nerve cells that communicate with one another. Each such nerve cell is called a Neuron,. The inputs are memory nodes called synapses. When the neuron associates information, it produces a ‘spike’ or a ‘spike train’. Each spike is a pulse that triggers a value in […]
While glyphosate continues to destroy entire populations, here’s something simple you can do to save the bees
(NaturalNews) In the age of glyphosate and neonicotinoids, it can feel like there’s nothing a single person can do to stem the alarming worldwide decline of pollinator populations. Yet, even as grassroots activists and policy makers battle over the larger issues killing pollinators worldwide, ordinary people can take simple actions to boost pollinator […]
Truth Will Out Radio: Gas Chambers Revisited
Radio Aryan April 1, 2016 Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise return with their weekly live show, this week looking at the so-called holocaust and questioning David Irving’s recent change in direction regarding the mass genocide of Jews. Irving has really been made to suffer by the ruling regime, losing his career, much of his wealth […]
Woman Infected 324 Men with HIV Virus
A female student in Kenya has revealed that she has infected a total of 324 men with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The HIV positive girl, who attends the Kabarak University in Nakuru, is said to have been infected by a man at a party. The unidentified 19-year old is allegedly aiming to infect a […]
Ankara allows ‘extensive movement of jihadists at Syria-Turkey border’
The Turkish government facilitates the movement of jihadists between Syria and Turkey, according to a report by a Turkish organization “Right to life, against war”. It reflects the situation in the province of Hatay which is on the border with Syria. The report suggests that the border area has become a hub for jihadists […]
Five People Fighting Back Against Black Violence
Comments are now located on a separate page. You can follow the link at the bottom of each article, or you can view all comments threads on the bbs. We also have forums where you can post your own topics. News Forum General Discussion Forum Join us! Source Article from http://www.dailystormer.com/five-people-fighting-back-against-black-violence/ Views: 0
Leaving a Legacy of Destruction: Fracking Industry Threatens U.S. National Parks
11th March 2016 By Carolanne Wright Contributing Writer for Wake Up World As if it wasn’t bad enough to have fracking operations in our backyards — destroying local ecosystems, human health and property values — the oil and gas industry has expanded into public lands, with many national parks now under threat. Not only does […]
Scalia Murdered After Obama Meeting
White House confrontation over FBI file leads to Scalia killing by Gordon Duff and Ian Greenhalgh Editorial note: Revelations on the Allan case, which led to Scalia now lead into the entire Koch network, including the Federalist Society, said to be operating not simply in law schools but America’s high schools as well, and into […]
The Age of Toxicity: The Link Between Stress, Magnesium, & Disease
Our world is invaded with toxicity, radiation, and synthetic materials thanks to toxic chemicals, pharmaceuticals, vaccinations, GMO foods, and more. And while mainstream media continues to live under the barrage of government-approved laws, labels, and ideals, there is constant research disapproving the safety of so many things occurring in our world. According to the U.S. […]
11 Hearty Salads That Aren’t Kale
Kale tends to steal the limelight in the veggie world these days. I love kale as the much as the next person, but it’s time we recognized the value of eating a variety of veggies. For better health, not to mention tastier meals, change up your salad bowl and make it look like a colorful […]
Iranian newscaster speaks out about sexual harassment, emboldens others to break silence
Allegations of sexual harassment at an Iranian TV station are emboldening Iranian women to break their silence and share their experiences of a problem traditionally not acknowledged inside the country. Sheena Shirani, a news reader at Press TV, the state broadcaster’s English language news channel, broke the taboo by speaking out about sexual harassment […]