Emergency workers inspect the engine of a derailed Amtrak train in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania May 13, 2015. (Reuters / Lucas Jackson) Amtrak has asked for special authority to install an automated braking feature at the site of last week’s derailment in Philadelphia. The “positive train control” system has long been discussed, but implementation has stalled. According […]
Posts Tagged ‘Federal Communications Commission’
Julian Assange – Wikileaks on israel’s payroll
January 16th, 2013 FAKE NEWS for the Zionist agenda
Like all the genuine Truth Tellers and Seekers out there that have exposed the Jews and Zionists, why hasn’t Julian Assange? All his so called leaked documents are nothing more than creations by the CIA / israel for the public. BUSTED – WIKILEAKS WORKING FOR ISRAEL I PITY THE FOOL…DUPED BY WIKILEAKS AND ISRAEL ASSANGE […]