Posts Tagged ‘fatigue’

“We are in the middle of the COVID fatigue. Nobody wants to speak about COVID,” Pfizer Head Terrrorist Bourla has said

“We are in the middle of the COVID fatigue. Nobody wants to speak about COVID,” Pfizer Head Terrrorist Bourla has said 218 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever Ten Reasons Why SARS-CoV-2 Is an “Imaginary” and “Theoretical Virus”. “They Never Isolated the Virus” No […]

Natural Options for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

This mysterious, debilitating condition affects millions of Americans, but natural remedies may help alleviate symptoms Do you suffer from malaise, low energy, brain fog, and a depressed mood? It’s not all in your head. You may have chronic fatigue syndrome, and there is a lot that you can do to feel better and reclaim your […]

Trump fatigue sets in: ‘Some donors are getting sick of the sh–show’

As the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 riots lays out Donald Trump’s obsessive efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, Trump allies have responded with the political equivalent of a collective eye roll. But elsewhere in the party, operatives are taking notice. The former president is being damaged, they say — perhaps not fatally, […]

Government Adviser Says Fatigue, Headache, Sore Throat and Diarrhoea Should be Added to List of COVID Symptoms

A SAGE government adviser has said that fatigue, headache, sore throat and diarrhoea should be added to the list of COVID symptoms, prompting concerns that this will artificially inflate case numbers. The London Times reports: “Including fatigue, headache, sore throat and diarrhoea on the official list of Covid symptoms would pick up a third more […]

‘It was exhaustion, it was sadness, it was fatigue’: America’s mayors call it quits

“When you’re in the cauldron, making those tough decisions, it becomes much more clear,” Durkan said. “I could either do the job they elected me to do or run to keep the job. But I couldn’t do both.” Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan speaks at a press conference after Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best announced her […]

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Natural Remedies That Work

March 15th, 2021 By Dr. Edward F. Group Guest Writer for Wake Up World We all feel tired, even exhausted, some of the time. But for some people, the exhaustion never lets up, and it comes along with physical discomfort, sleep issues, and trouble with memory and concentration. Anywhere from about 800,000 to 2.5 million Americans may […]

In a Pandemic, Shabbat Fatigue is a Real Thing

You know you should do something special, like set the table and put out real plates (as opposed to paper ones) or go out for a walk, but whom are you kidding? You’re just going to lay on the couch and watch to see which one of your kids will trip over the heap of […]

Europe must act to counter ‘COVID-19 fatigue’ in fight against the virus: WHO

European states must fight back against “COVID-19 fatigue” as citizens – particularly young people – grow increasingly frustrated with measures such as social distancing, mask-wearing and lockdowns that have been used to combat the spread of the deadly virus. Speaking in Denmark, WHO Regional Director for Europe Hans Henri Kluge said that fatigue during the […]

Empath Fatigue – Is Your Compassion Wearing You Thin?

So, you know you’re an empath. You’re someone who feels other people’s feelings. You’re having these crazy emotional fluctuations all day when you’re around other people… only to heave a sigh of relief when you’re alone and things magically settle down. Being an empath isn’t easy. For one, it takes a lot of time to […]

Could Copper Toxicity Be at the Root of Your Chronic Fatigue, Depression and Poor Immune Function?

November 16th, 2017 By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World By now, most of us concerned with preserving health are aware of the dangers of toxic heavy metals like aluminum, cadmium, mercury, lead and arsenic that we pick up from our water and food supply, as well as from the air we breath. But what […]

Subversive US Media Jew Denied Entry Into Russia

ZeigerDaily Stormer July 14, 2016 Throw the Jew down the well, so my media can be free! It has to be said that any media Jew is a de facto spy for world Jewry. Thus keeping them out of your country is always justified, as they are sure to be a national security threat. That […]

Happening Value Pack: BLM Edition

ZeigerDaily Stormer July 8, 2016 It’s getting hard to document all these happenings. Basically, we’re reaching the point where major Negro revolts are slipping through the cracks. This is because they’re happening so fast that we can’t keep up. This will be a happening mega-post to try to tie everything together. Bomb Threat In Florida […]

Violence between extremist groups fabricated by FBI to ‘manipulate public opinion’

     Most of the violence occurring between extremist groups in the US is “planned” by FBI informants to “manipulate public opinion” on the upcoming US elections, geopolitical analyst Patrick Henningsen told RT. “The FBI has infiltrated all major and mid-major activist and movements in the United States over the last 60 years. Every single one […]

Leaked Flydubai recorder data reveals argument, panic in cockpit before ‘fatal nosedive’

#FlydubaiGate: Pilots speak out to RT after Rostov-on-Don crash Now that decoding of the flight data recorders of the crashed Boeing is complete, an unnamed source told Russian daily Kommersant that pilot error is now dominating the investigation as the probable cause. Flydubai scandal after crash in Russia exposes pilot fatigue It appears that while […]

These are the un-American, anti-consumer US Senators who voted for the DARK Act, trying to deny you the right to know what’s in your food

(NaturalNews) The agrichemical industry and Big Food took a major hit yesterday after the Senate blocked a bill aimed at preempting states’ rights from enacting GMO-labeling laws; it also would have reversed any labeling laws currently in place, such as the one Vermont passed in 2014, which is scheduled to go into effect […]

These are the un-American, anti-consumer US Senators who voted for the DARK Act, trying to deny you the right to know what’s in your food

(NaturalNews) The agrichemical industry and Big Food took a major hit yesterday after the Senate blocked a bill aimed at preempting states’ rights from enacting GMO-labeling laws; it also would have reversed any labeling laws currently in place, such as the one Vermont passed in 2014, which is scheduled to go into effect […]

As Twitter, Facebook and YouTube ramp up selective censorship, alternative search is more important than ever!

(NaturalNews) Love or hate social media, there is no doubt that it has become one of – if not the – most powerful ways to communicate and share opinions. But questions are being asked as to whether those responsible for running of ocial media organizations, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, are censoring […]

Minnesota lawmakers consider banning neonicotinoid pesticides decimating bees and the environment

(NaturalNews) Like people in other states across the U.S., Minnesotans are concerned about their declining honeybee populations, and are pushing state regulators to take action. In October, the state Department of Agriculture released an outline on the study of neonicotinoids, a class of neuro-active insecticides similar to nicotine that are killing beneficial insects […]

Minnesota lawmakers consider banning neonicotinoid pesticides decimating bees and the environment

(NaturalNews) Like people in other states across the U.S., Minnesotans are concerned about their declining honeybee populations, and are pushing state regulators to take action. In October, the state Department of Agriculture released an outline on the study of neonicotinoids, a class of neuro-active insecticides similar to nicotine that are killing beneficial insects […]

Minnesota lawmakers consider banning neonicotinoid pesticides decimating bees and the environment

(NaturalNews) Like people in other states across the U.S., Minnesotans are concerned about their declining honeybee populations, and are pushing state regulators to take action. In October, the state Department of Agriculture released an outline on the study of neonicotinoids, a class of neuro-active insecticides similar to nicotine that are killing beneficial insects […]

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