Posts Tagged ‘extraterrestrial’

Why do so many people assume that UFOs are extraterrestrial?

Why do so many people assume that UFOs are extraterrestrial ? July 17, 2023 UFO means ‘unidentified flying object’. Image Credit: Pixabay / danielarealpeg Sociologist Barry Markovsky explores why it is not unusual for people to equate the term ‘UFO’ with ‘alien’. Most of us still call them UFOs – unidentified flying objects. NASA recently […]

US Congressman Claims Extraterrestrial Technology Is Being Reverse Engineered in Secret

US Congressman Claims Extraterrestrial Technology Is Being Reverse Engineered in Secret Arjun Walia Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett has stated multiple times that the US government may be reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology. He recently told Newsweek that he believes the US has “recovered a craft at some point, and possible beings.” “Too many people in the know […]

An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 2)

COSMIC COWBOY: An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 2) – By William C. Treurniet SM  Source – ‘…In the Zeta cosmology, the matter is represented in consciousness by a quantized spectrum of potentials in the grid. The potentials in quanta are selected by a being’s perceptual process and transformed to higher-vibration potentials experienced in […]

An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 2)

COSMIC COWBOY: An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 2) – By William C. Treurniet SM  Source – ‘…In the Zeta cosmology, the matter is represented in consciousness by a quantized spectrum of potentials in the grid. The potentials in quanta are selected by a being’s perceptual process and transformed to higher-vibration potentials experienced in […]

An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 1)

COSMIC COWBOY: An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 1) – By William C. Treurniet SM  Source – “…Some people in the etheric realm are able to achieve an altered state that enables them to experience the astral realm, another Physical type of vibration…The local consciousness separates from the etheric body and finds itself in a […]

An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 1)

COSMIC COWBOY: An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 1) – By William C. Treurniet SM  Source – “…Some people in the etheric realm are able to achieve an altered state that enables them to experience the astral realm, another Physical type of vibration…The local consciousness separates from the etheric body and finds itself in a […]

The Famous Crop Circle With A Binary Code & Extraterrestrial Face

The Famous (And Real) Crop Circle With A Binary Code & Extraterrestrial FacebyArjun WaliaSeptember 2, 2022 In Brief The Facts: The crop circle you see above appeared in 2002 in a field near Crabwood, United Kingdom. It’s been well documented, pictured and filmed by multiple photographers. It’s existence and the fact that it happened is […]

Bladesmith Forges 4.5-Billion-Year-Old Meteorite Metal Into ‘Extraterrestrial’ Knife — And It Looks Unreal

It was King Tutankhamun’s meteorite dagger that first sparked Tristan Dare’s imagination. Although ancient blacksmiths probably hammered Tut’s blade into shape, Dare, a young bladesmith from Idaho, introduced modern techniques to create his. The ancient Egyptians regarded iron as a gift “from the sky,” according to texts dating back to 1300 B.C. The only known […]

Star Children and the Extraterrestrial Connection

Star Children – How do we recognize “The bringers of light?” There are new generations of children incarnating on our planet who are very different to previous generations. They have been given many names such as Indigos, Crystal Children, Children of Light or Star Children. The children are far more multi-dimensionally aware than what is […]

Russians Confirms The Existence of ‘Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life’

901 Shares Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev recently confirmed the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life in a short interview away from network cameras after an appearance on Russian television. This is extremely significant, as it is a rare occasion  when a current serving Prime Minister of any nation has come forward to share the truth. […]

Russian Scientist Claimed to Find Extraterrestrial Life on Venus

The Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences published a series of photographs, taken by the Venera probe which allegedly shows evidence of living organisms on Venus, one of the most inhospitable places for humans in the solar system. According to Russian scientist Leonid Ksanfomaliti, this image, taken from a Russian probe that […]

Why are Americans Forced to Believe in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

Although during the previous century the West actively inflated the supposedly unlimited power of Communist ideology in the USSR, and other countries in the socialist community, it still preferred to remain silent about its own ideological influence on the masses in the United States, or in its Western allies. Moreover, the West has long understood […]

Early Ideas About Extraterrestrial Life: What Might Inhabitants from Other Planets Look Like?

The Christian Church attempted to censor Galileo’s findings in the first decades of the 17th century, but it was a time of expanding knowledge, so it did not take very long for the information to get out. When Galileo’s observation became widely known, people started wondering if these other worlds were like our own. Did […]

Living Extraterrestrial Organism Allegedly Captured and Studied in Portugal 62 Years Ago

On November 2, 1959 in the Portuguese city of Evora was witnessed one of the strangest paranormal events. After the sighting of an alleged UFO, strange gelatinous filaments of white began to fall all over the city, completely covering it in a dense white layer. Schools and jobs had been intervened, evacuating people completely. The […]

A Credible Extraterrestrial “Channeler” Delivers A Message For Humanity From Outer Space

The Facts: Dr. George King founded the Aetherius Society after, according to him, receiving telepathic messages from an extraterrestrial. The messages given through Dr. King from the 1950’s onward corroborate with UFO activity disclosed today, in 2021. Reflect On: UFOs are no longer taboo, their existence is confirmed within the mainstream and many people are […]

“You Have But A Short Time To Live Together In Peace & Goodwill” – A 1977 Extraterrestrial Message?

The Facts: Dr. Harvey Risch, MD, PhD, Yale Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health provides evidence-based testimony at a US Senate hearing on early outpatient HCQ treatment for high-risk Covid-19 patients. Reflect On: Why have such treatments been ridiculed when so many papers, doctors, and experts stand behind them? Why have low cost treatments that […]

Israeli Scientist reveals US extraterrestrial agreements & joint Mars base DECEMBER 8, 2020. POSTED Prof Haim Eshed, a senior scientist who for nearly 30 years headed Israel’s space security program has revealed secret US extraterrestrial agreements, a joint US ET base on Mars, and how a Galactic Federation is closely monitoring human affairs. Major media around the world is covering Prof Eshad’s revelations. He […]

Trump and Q on the Invisible Enemy – the Extraterrestrial Factor | QAnon reveals Vatican Rothschild Reptilian Connection behind the Deep State Dr Michael Salla July 1, 2020. There have been multiple references to an “invisible enemy” by President Donald Trump and Q (aka QAnon), which White Hats in the US military-intelligence community are presently fighting in an “information war”. While mainstream news outlets claim Trump is merely referring to COVID-19 as the “invisible enemy” that […]

Do Ancient Sumerian Scribes Really Describe Extraterrestrial Contact?

The Facts: The Chakra system has been spoken about and used to help treat people from several ancient traditions all the way up to the present day. Reflect On: Have you explored your chakra system? There are chakra meditation you can explore to not only tap into your chakras but to examine the energy at […]

Rare Nikola Tesla Interview From 1931 About What Extraterrestrial Communication Would Do To Mankind

Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest scientific minds our world has ever known. Although mysteriously absent from school textbooks, he accomplished much in his lifetime, discovering radio and remote control — the backbone of NASA’s current technology — drone technology, cosmic radio waves, and more. He was also a big proponent of free, unlimited energy for everyone. […]

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