Posts Tagged ‘extinction’

On Brink of Extinction? Time is running out for Israel and Saudi Arabia

Federico PieracciniStrategic Culture Through its top official, Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS), Saudi Arabia continues a wave of internal arrests, having seized nearly $800 billion in assets and bank accounts. A few days later, MBS attempted to demonstrate his authority by summoning Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri to Saudi Arabia, where he was forced to […]

Let’s Celebrate: Sea Turtles Are Coming Back From The Brink of Extinction

Next Story Sea turtles have been on the verge of extinction for some time. Just a couple months ago, in fact, Ontario declared a state of emergency for its sea turtles, and an astonishing six out of the seven species of sea turtles are listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened […]

New Mass Extinction Event Coming To Earth Soon: MIT

A mathematician from MIT predicts that the 6th mass extinction event is right around the corner and will be with us by the year 2100, and is due to the fourth most abundant element in the universe, carbon, shifting its position within the earth’s atmosphere. According to a study, the earth’s carbon deposit is shifting […]

An Apocalyptic Mass Extinction Will Begin In 2100, Scientists Say

A mass extinction that wipes out humanity will be under way by the year 2100, scientists have claimed. By the end of the century, it’s feared that so much carbon will have been added to the oceans that the planet will have passed a “threshold of catastrophe” which leads to the destruction of our species. […]

MASS EXTINCTION event now under way that will decimate the global human population, scientists claim

(Natural News) A hotly-debated study led by Professor Gerardo Ceballos at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico warns that the human population explosion is leading to the widespread contamination and destruction of the planet, ultimately collapsing life support systems upon which human civilization depends. As reported by The Times of Israel: Human overpopulation and […]

That Mass Extinction Study is a Collectivist Hoax

July 26, 2017 Activist Post Daily Newsletter Subscription is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL Free Report: 10 Ways to Survive the Economic Collapse with subscription Source Article from Views: 0

White People: Trending Towards Extinction

This is a scholarly presentation that just deals with the data of how and why White people are disappearing, without getting into (((who))) is behind it and how we can solve the problem. I had no idea where this was presented or by whom. Source Article from Views: 1

Report: 1 In 5 Plants In Danger Of Extinction

An aerial shot shows the contrast between forest and agricultural landscapes near Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil. (Flickr/Kate Evans) Experts at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew have just published their second ever State of the World’s Plants report. They reveal there are 390,000 known species of plants, with over 30,000 being used by humans. Unfortunately, the […]

Monsanto PCBs May Leave Orca Pod ‘Doomed to Extinction’

AP photo The Guardian reported last Tuesday that Lulu, the full-grown whale who died, “was a member of the UK’s last resident pod and a postmortem also showed she had never produced a calf. The pollutants, called PCBs, are known to cause infertility and these latest findings add to strong evidence that the pod is […]

Report: Swedish Police Excuse Migrant Rape, Blame ‘Nordic Alcohol Culture’ And ‘Ignorance’

A Swedish police report into rape and sexual assault committed by migrants has blamed “Nordic alcohol culture,” “ignorance” and the “non-traditional gender roles” of European women for the growing problem. The report notes that Sweden has the worst rates of physical and sexual violence committed against women in the European Union (EU), according to a survey […]

US Considers Infecting Mosquitoes With Bacteria To Stop Zika Virus

The US could soon become the first country to approve the commercial use of a bacterium to fight the spread of mosquito borne viruses such as Zika. The strategy involves infecting mosquitoes with the bacterium and releasing the males into the environment. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is reviewing an application from a Biotech […]

In the Thicket of the Forest at Artois

by Adolf Hitler (1916) (Translated from the German) It was in the thicket of the Artois Wood. Deep in the trees, on blood-soaked ground, Lay stretched a wounded German warrior, And his cries rang out in the night. In vain … no echo answered his plea … Will he bleed to death like a beast, […]

Elijah Wood: Hollywood in the Grip of Child Abuse Scandal Similar to Jimmy Savile

Elijah Wood: Hollywood in the Grip of Child Abuse Scandal Similar to Jimmy Savile May 24th, 2016 Via: Telegraph: Hollywood is in the grip a child sexual abuse scandal similar to that of Jimmy Savile in Britain, Lord of the Rings star Elijah Wood […]

Soviet Dam Busters

Nobody should be under any illusions about media’s collaboration with Bolshevik Occupied Russia. In 1979 my paper published horrifying images depicting victims of ‘Uncle Joe’ Stalin’s starvation of the Ukrainian nation in which 10 million (Stalin’s figure) died. The ink hadn’t dried on my story before media deplored my use of Nazi atrocity pictures to […]

Congressional Candidate Busted For Growing Marijuana

Democratic congressional candidate Florence ‘Flo’ Matheson was busted by police for possessing marijuana last Friday.  Police raided Matheson’s home in Crossville, Tennessee and found a full-scale cultivation operation in a barn in her backyard. reports: The structure was separated into two tropical grow environments housing over 180 plants, complete with grow lights and a remote wireless surveillance […]

Hidden Messages in Pagan Myths: The Departure of Idun from Asgard and an Aging White Population

For thousands of years intelligent people in the western world with all kinds of educational background have found inspiration in the Bible. Now many people think they find wisdom in the traditions of the Mayas, the Hindus, Sufis, Taoists, Buddhists, Gnostics, etc. – the list of exotic mumbo jumbo goes on and on. Excuse the harshness […]

Actor Elijah Wood Blows The Whistle on Massive Hollywood Pedophile Scandal

by Piper McGowin of The Daily Sheeple It’s one of those horrible things that people who follow alternative media are well aware of, but it’s rare to hear an actor come out and admit it in the mainstream media. Actor Elijah Wood has gone on record in a London Times interview to say that Hollywood […]

Dr. David Duke “Exposing the Jew World Order”

Dr. David Duke “Exposing the Jew World Order” Here is a new interview with Dr. Duke that is going viral. Please give it a listen.   Print PDF Source Article from Views: 0

Dr. David Duke “Exposing the Jew World Order”

Dr. David Duke “Exposing the Jew World Order” Here is a new interview with Dr. Duke that is going viral. Please give it a listen.   Print PDF Source Article from Views: 0

Dr. David Duke “Exposing the Jew World Order”

Dr. David Duke “Exposing the Jew World Order” Here is a new interview with Dr. Duke that is going viral. Please give it a listen.   Print PDF Source Article from Views: 0

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