Ask somebody about sunscreen and you’re likely to receive an earful of disinformation from a person who has been repeatedly misinformed by health authorities and the mainstream media. Almost nothing you hear about sunscreen from traditional media channels is accurate. So here’s a quick guide to the 7 most important things you need to know […]
Posts Tagged ‘exposure’
7 Surprising Things You’re Not Supposed To Know About Sunscreen and Sunlight Exposure
Exposure to farm animals protects farm children from asthma, researchers find
(Natural News) Asthma is a common disease among most children, with the exception being farm children. Immunologists from the University of Zurich have pinpointed the cause: exposure to farm animals. Specifically, the researchers have identified a sialic acid in farm animals that has proven to be effective against lung tissue inflammation. The sialic acid is […]
Study Finds Long Exposure to Tiny Amounts of Monsanto’s Roundup Damages The Liver & Kidneys
Glyphosate continues to be the most used herbicide in the world, despite the fact that the World Health Organization’s cancer agency, IARC, labelled it a probable human carcinogen in 2015. And evidence suggests GBH, like Roundup, poses particular health risks to the liver and kidneys in large doses. Small doses, however, hadn’t been tested, until a 2015 study came along. […]
More young Aussies watch porn, boys’ first exposure at about 13yo – study
Burnet Institute researcher Dr. Megan Lim, who headed the study of 940 Australians aged 15 to 29 years old, said she was surprised by the results. “All the young men in our study said they’d seen pornography, and so did the majority of women. They also reported seeing pornography at quite high frequency,” Lim told […]
Study: Chemical Exposure Turning Boys Into Girls
A recent study has confirmed that boys are gradually turning into girls due to chemical exposure from substances in the environment, food supply, and household products. While male births have been in steady decline for decades, new evidence suggests that genital damage from chemical exposure can be become hereditable. reports: Endocrine Disruptors Sabotage the Male […]
New Study: DNA Methylation Changes Associated With Prenatal Mercury Exposure During Childhood
This article was written by Katie Weisman, who is on the World Mercy Project team. She is the mother of identical triplet sons who have autism and mercury poisoning, (the latter she believes is the primary cause of their disability.) The triplets received high doses of thimerosal in their vaccines as infants. Katie is also allergic to […]
Studies Confirm Link Between Pesticide Exposure And ADHD
Several studies have linked the increased use of pesticides with a sharp rise of ADHD diagnoses among children. According to researchers, chemicals used in plastics and common household goods are associated with serious developmental problems, such as; heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and autism. reports: Add attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to the list. A new study in the […]
Top 25 U.S. Banks Have 222 Trillion Dollars Of Exposure To Derivatives
Above Photo: From Financial Weapons Of Mass Destruction The recklessness of the “too big to fail” banks almost doomed them the last time around, but apparently they still haven’t learned from their past mistakes. Today, the top 25 U.S. banks have 222 trillion dollars of exposure to derivatives. In other words, the exposure that these banks have […]
2 Constitutional Court judges arrested in Turkey, all military judges suspended
Over 100 members of Turkey’s Constitutional Court, including prosecutors and other judiciary members were arrested on Wednesday, Turkish national broadcaster NTV reported. Two Constitutional Court judges, Alparslan Altan and Erdal Tercan are among them. The same day, the Turkish Defense Ministry also suspended at least 262 military judges and prosecutors. #TurkeyPurge: Post-coup crackdown The judiciary […]
Smash, bulldoze, erase: ISIS releases new video of Palmyra antiquities’ destruction
The video allegedly released by one of Islamic State’s (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) websites, was shot in the form of a documentary. First it shows militants smashing ancient statues on the ground and then come the mummies, which the extremists later bulldoze. A strategically important location, Palmyra had been in jihadist hands since May 2015. The […]
American Red Cross exposed as massive, incompetent fraud: built just six homes after collecting half a billion dollars in Haiti earthquake donations
About the author:Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on and a globally recognized scientific researcher in clean foods. He serves as the founding editor of and the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. […]
Why is sugar given a free pass on its addictive properties while medicinal marijuana is routinely suppressed by the government?
(NaturalNews) With so much reputable research having been done, not only on the negative health impacts of sugar on humans, but also on sugar’s addictive effects, it is strange to many that the sweet substance isn’t more heavily regulated (or even banned) as marijuana is in many states and on the federal level. […]
Nazi-founded Bayer chemical company wants to buy Satan-inspired Monsanto for $42 billion… it’s a perfect match made in chemical Hell
(NaturalNews) The Nazi-created Bayer company — whose former chairperson Fritz ter Meer served a prison sentence for committing crimes against humanity — wants to buy Monsanto for $42 billion, reports Bloomberg (link below). The acquisition, if approved, would place Monsatan under control of a murderous chemical company steeped in Nazi science and crimes […]
Nazi-founded Bayer chemical company wants to buy Satan-inspired Monsanto for $42 billion… it’s a perfect match made in chemical Hell
(NaturalNews) The Nazi-created Bayer company — whose former chairperson Fritz ter Meer served a prison sentence for committing crimes against humanity — wants to buy Monsanto for $42 billion, reports Bloomberg (link below). The acquisition, if approved, would place Monsatan under control of a murderous chemical company steeped in Nazi science and crimes […]
Scientists observe new characteristic of light, proving Planck’s constant can be inconsistent
Get ready to have your mind blown and, if you’re not a trained physicist, probably a little boggled. Scientists have discovered a new form of light, proving that a “constant” calculation used for more than 100 years can indeed be inconsistent. This new revelation by researchers at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) in Ireland introduces […]
Allergy medication and sleeping pills found to shrink the brain and accelerate dementia
(NaturalNews) A class of drugs that includes dozens of common over-the-counter and prescription medications, has been linked to an increased risk of the development of dementia . Based on the results of two recent studies exploring anticholinergic drugs and their effects on the brain, seniors are now being advised to avoid taking medications […]
Rome building collapses amid explosion, at least 5 injured
It is unknown what caused the explosion to take place at the three-story building, which is in the northeast of the city, though it is understood that a gas canister or a boiler could have been at fault. A total of five people were injured and three of those had to be extracted from the […]
Study: Mammography screenings responsible for causing more mastectomies and breast cancer
(NaturalNews) The theory upon which the cancer industry bases its endorsement of mammography alleges that the screening, which involves a blast of radiation directly into the breasts, helps to detect breast cancers early, and helps women avoid mastectomies. However, a Norwegian study published in the British Medical Journal says that mammography actually causes […]