Dubious debunking ‘fact-checking’ website Snopes has been forced to admit that the human soul does exist, in an astonishing admission on their website. According to Snopes, an unusual experiment carried about by Dr. Duncan MacDougall in the early 20th century conclusively proves that the human soul exists and is measurable using medical tools. Historicmysteries.com reports: Dr. […]
Posts Tagged ‘exists’
This City Exists Or Not? Even Scientists Are Scratching Their Head On This Question
The quest to discover landscapes is never-ending, and many have attempted. Historians have always been interested in finding out the origins of places, and the scientists have put their relentless efforts in proving theories into facts. So goes with myths, which have been there for centuries. Among those, some were just created as works of […]
EPA literally wants you to DIE from radiation: Agency raising the limit of radioactive elements in drinking water by over 3,000 times… to cause widespread cancer and death
(NaturalNews) We really have reached a point of such insanity across human civilization that governments have become the terrorists who actively seek to harm and kill off the people. The latest example demonstrating this very point is the fact that the EPA just announced its plan to allow gigantic increases in the allowable […]
Cop who shot at fleeing teen claims driver tried to run him over; video proves otherwise
A police video released Thursday by the State Law Enforcement Division of the May 19 shooting of a motorist by a Forest Acres police officer shows the officer firing seven shots into a slow-moving car as the motorist began to drive away. “Stop! Stop! Do not make me shoot you!” yells the officer, who is […]
USA, INC — How Americans Have Been Turned Into Corporate Slaves
The video in this article is an excellent video to watch to learn about how the United States, Inc., also doing business as the United States of America, Inc., has tricked Americans to give up their natural rights and turned them into corporate slaves. by PL Chang Most of the information in the video is […]
National Group of Prestigious Doctors is Pushing to Legalize Recreational Cannabis
Elizabeth Montag | True Activist A new group of over 50 doctors around the United States is calling for the legalization of marijuana, not only for medical use but for recreational purposes. The nonprofit organization, Doctors for Cannabis Regulation (DFCR), is the first national medical organization to advocate total legalization, […]
ISIS Using German Tactic ‘Auftragstaktik’ To Achieve Victory
A recent issue of an ISIS propaganda magazine describes a method for carrying out attacks using an adaptation of a 19th century German military philosophy. The command tactic ‘Auftragstaktik’ allows subordinate terrorists to individually carry out specific orders without being burdened with anything else except achieving their objective. Russia Today reports: The Dar al-Islam issue, published […]
Medical establishment ignores cancer prevention, rolls out experimental anti-cancer vaccine
(NaturalNews) Mainstream medicine continues to refuse the concept of preventative medicine, ignoring the importance of crucial lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise and environmental toxin exposure, instead keeping its focus on research and development. While countless people are now turning to natural medicine for services in cancer treatment, dentistry, nutrition, weight loss and […]
UK Litvinenko inquiry says Putin ‘probably’ ordered the hit – Russian ambassador calls it biased
The British investigation into the death of Aleksandr Litvinenko, a former Russian intelligence officer and Kremlin critic, who died from radioactive poisoning in 2006, is “biased” and unjustified, Russia’s UK ambassador Alexander Yakovenko told RT. “Russia is not satisfied with the way the Litvinenko case was dealt with,” Yakovenko said in an interview to […]
israel fires artillery into Lebanon
The Israeli military has fired a number of artillery rounds into Lebanon amid a pledge by the Lebanese resistance movement, Hezbollah, that it will not leave unanswered Israel’s assassination of its high-ranking member Samir Qantar. On Sunday, Israeli forces shelled the Lebanese border fence for the fourth consecutive day. The Israeli military feared that Hezbollah forces might take […]
Cable Company Publicly Shames, Lectures Overdue Customers On Facebook
Email Us For general inquiries and advertising, email: Admin (at) BlacklistedNews.com. Article submissions, tips, and feedback, email: Tips (at) BlacklistedNews.com. Send us Snail Mail: P.O Box 8526 Round Rock, Tx 78683 Voicemail/TXT: Feel free to send us a message anytime (512) 222-3067 Source Article […]
Remembering The Life And Legacy Of John Trudell
John Trudell was a Santee Dakota activist, artist, actor, and poet, who led a life dedicated to indigenous human rights, land and language issues. He helped spark a spoken word movement that is a continuation of Native American oral traditions. He walked on December 8 at the age of 69. Born on February 15, 1946 […]
Apple CEO claims next generation of children will have all purchases electronically tracked
(NaturalNews) “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or […]
Turkey Shoots Down Russian Su-24 Fighter Jet On Syrian Border
Turkey shot down a Russian Su-24 fighter jet on the Syrian-Turkish border earlier today. The Russian Defense Ministry said that the plane had been shot down in Syria and had not violated Turkish airspace. They said the plane was flying at an altitude of 6,000 meters. The Ministry said: “During the flight, the aircraft was […]
The German Reich Exists!
By Ingrid Zundel About three months ago I sent some 80 copies of two German-language DVDs to friends and supporters in Europe, most of them living in Germany. Intended recipients of these DVDs were mostly elderly people who had assisted in various ways in our lengthy struggle for Truth in History. These were friends […]