In the hieroglyphic records they left behind, the rulers of the Classic Period Maya city known as Tamarindito bragged about their exalted status as “divine lords” chosen by the gods to rule over their people. Read more Section: News History & Archaeology Read Later Source Views: 0
Posts Tagged ‘exaggerated’
Fake it Till You Make it: ‘Divine’ Maya Kings Exaggerated their Greatness
Finland Covid Death Possibly Exaggerated By 40% & England Excess Death Now Higher Than During COVID
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/5/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]
Astro Photographer Uses 200,000 Moon Photos to Show Exaggerated Lunar Craters and Texture
Making good use of the clear night skies in Arizona, where he recently moved, astronomy buff Andrew McCarthy sets up his telescope camera in his backyard to take spectacular shots of the moon. After the pandemic halted his career working for a tech startup, the digital artist/photographer struck out to turn his passion into a […]
CDC risk of coronavirus transmission outdoors greatly exaggerated, bombshell report finds
A stunning New York Times report claims that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s estimate that the risk of coronavirus transmission while outdoors is around 10% is greatly exaggerated. The CDC has cited the estimate to back up its recommendation that vaccinated individuals do away with masks in certain outdoor situations, but should keep wearing masks during others. According to the […]
Bill Maher Says Racism in America Is Exaggerated
On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher suggested racism in America is exaggerated by “radicals,” such as members of the Marxist political organization Black Lives Matter. “Is the picture of America that’s presented by the radicals, I would say — Black Lives Matter, some of them, the anti-racists — of America 2021, […]
New Claims the Great Fire of Rome Was Exaggerated And Nero Was A Hero
History is constantly being rewritten and sometimes the bad guys of ancient times are proven to be better than we were led to believe. In a new book by a British archaeologist and historian, Emperor Nero is shown to be a social hero, and the author claims his successors greatly “exaggerated” the damage caused by […]
The Death of the Nation State has been somewhat exaggerated (Part 2)
October 12, 2020 By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog Globalization – i.e., neo-liberalism writ large – is essentially a negative phenomenon destroying the sovereignty and cohesion of nation states and thereby depriving markets of the social and political guidance without which they cannot function effectively…The result will be a socially divisive, politically destructive, ethically […]
Bad Math: Scott Pruitt Wildly Exaggerated Growth of Coal Jobs by 49000
Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Host of Hardline Radio Show Scott Pruitt’s math was tremendously off on coal jobs during a recent interview NBC’s Meet The Press. Pruitt claimed that as of last month, the coal industry gained “almost 7,000 jobs” and that was based on 50,000 jobs in the fossil fuel sector; […]
Climate change app terrorizes youth with wildly exaggerated sea level projections
(Natural News) Thanks to current technology, you too can experience the so-called “disastrous effects” of climate change wherever you may be. Development studios Strange Flavor and secondverse have collaborated with visual artist Justin Brice Guariglia to create an app, named After Ice, in honor of Earth Day. Utilizing geolocation, augmented reality (AR), and collected NASA predictions, […]
Banks get a bollocking from Turnbull on ethics
Michelle Grattan (TC) : Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has given Australia’s banks a bollocking for unethical behaviour, suggesting they have not repaid the support they received during the global financial crisis. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull attending Westpac’s 199th birthday lunch in Sydney on Wednesday. Dean Lewins/AAP Speaking at Westpac’s 199th birthday lunch – a day […]
Health officials blasted at congressional hearing over handling of Flint water crisis
Anger ran hot and fingers of blame were pointed every which way at the first congressional hearing about the water disaster in Flint, Michigan. Health officials faced withering criticism, while the committee vowed to “hunt down” missing witnesses. “This is a failing at every level. The public has a right to be outraged and […]
NATO exaggerated success against Taliban in Afghanistan
GuardianOctober 13, 2011 The success of one of Nato’s principal tactics against the Taliban – targeted night raids aimed at killing or capturing leaders of the insurgency – may have been exaggerated to make the military campaign in Afghanistan look more effective, according to a report published on Wednesday. The study shows that for every “leader” killed in the raids, eight […]