A poll which correlates with results from other countries shows that the average French person grossly exaggerates the threat posed by COVID, believing the infection to fatality ratio is over 16 per cent, when it is actually 0.1-0.3 per cent. The survey results appeared in a study published by Frontiers in Psychology and were also […]
Posts Tagged ‘exaggerate’
SOTT FOCUS: NATO Orders Stool-Pigeon Turkey to Shoot Down Russian Jet
November 25th, 2015 Awake Goy
Want to know why the Russian Su-24 was shot down yesterday? Read on. Turkish, Saudi, French, British and US-backed terrorists have been operating in Syria for the past 4 years in an effort to overthrow the Syrian government. This cabal wants to remove Assad in order to a) pave the way for Qatari gas […]