Friday, March 10th 2023 Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2023Visit our Re-post guidelines A TWITTER FILES bombshell just dropped revealing how a foreign, dark money group (CCDH) targeting the free speech of US citizens may have been indirectly funded by the US government, military, and taxpayers themselves. Moreover, […]
Posts Tagged ‘enterprise’
A ‘Vast Censorship Enterprise’ Funded by Taxpayers Knowingly Suppressed Vaccine Injury Content
J.D. Vance: Facebook-FBI Censorship Collusion Undermines ‘Free Enterprise’ Defense of Big Tech
J.D. Vance said Zuckerberg’s admission that Facebook censored news about Hunter Biden due to FBI claims proves Big Tech is not subject to the free market. Views: 0
‘The Madigan Enterprise’: Feds hit former Illinois House speaker with bribery
The 106-page indictment comes two years after a federal grand jury took up the case, according to Lausch. The document also refers to the “Madigan Enterprise,” detailing how it included efforts to exercise, preserve and enhance the former speaker’s position and wealth while rewarding his allies and political workers for their loyalty. In a particularly […]
War Is A Racist Enterprise
Above Photo: US and British soldiers make acquaintances as they train Iraq’s 72nd Brigade for a live-fire exercise in Basmaya base. AFP / Middle East Eye. Racism is an unspoken rationale for U.S. imperialist actions. The U.S.’s failure to prevent the Taliban from retaking political power in Afghanistan sparked feelings of panic in the foreign […]
Klaus Schwab’s Reset: Communism Replaces Free Enterprise
Klaus Schwab’s Reset: Communism Replaces Free Enterprise Henry Makow TIME Magazine Backs Anti-Capitalist Reset Time Cover Symbolism 11 people on the Cover. (11 adults plus 1 child) The 11 is a Frequent NWO Number. Installing the Final Piece of the Globe. The Final Piece of the NWO Reset. The top Person is holding a Tree, […]
A Killer Enterprise: How One of Big Pharma’s Most Corrupt Companies Plans to Corner the Covid-19 Cure Market
Originally published at The Last American Vagabond “One of the most politically-connected yet scandal ridden vaccine companies in the United States, with troubling ties to the 2001 anthrax attacks and opioid crisis, is set to profit handsomely from the current Coronavirus crisis.“ In August 2001, biopharmaceutical company BioPort faced imminent disaster. A series of company […]
‘Palestinian statehood means the end of the Zionist enterprise’
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A Bad Blueprint: Intelligence Agencies Coopting Private Enterprise
Perhaps not surprisingly, the two men, who have made untold sums of money off the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, came up with a plan to rely on private contractors instead of the US military. This story may sound familiar and it usually doesn’t end well. Last month — after The Wall Street Journal fired Jay Solomon, […]
Zio-Prof Jeffrey Sachs declares support for Clinton even though immigration is “destabilizing” and she’s “always for the war approach”
Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs, NBC’s Chris Jansing and Nicolle Wallace, and MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski discuss the impact of Britain voting to leave the European Union, anti-globalist sentiment rising around the West, and Hillary Clinton’s record on foreign policy. “The politics of the Brexit is pretty much similar to the politics of Donald Trump,” Sachs […]
How to Be a Heathen
A Methodology for the Awakening of Traditional Systems By Stephen E. Flowers/Edred Thorsson The following paper was generated from a talk delivered to the Pagan Student Alliance of the University of Texas at Austin, November 22, 1991 and is dedicated to the memory of Edwin Wade, Óðinsgoði, who died on this date in 1989. I […]
(Not Everyone At) CopBlock Welcomes Brett Sanders
Today I learned that Brett Sanders would be joining the contributors for My initial feeling was of disappointment and disgust, since Brett has made some statements in the past that were very antithetical to what I considered to be the agreed upon position of the website that the unjustified murder of citizens by police […]
European Union seeks to force Serbia to impose Russian sanctions if it wishes to progress in EU membership
Brussels is likely to force Serbia to impose sanctions against Russia if Belgrade wants more progress in EU accession negotiations, the Serbian Blic newspaper reports. According to Blic, Serbia hopes that EU-Russia relations will improve in the coming year and Belgrade will not have to choose between Brussels and Moscow. “The government in Belgrade […]
The world’s first ocean cleaning system will be deployed in 2016
There are five gigantic patches of swirling plastic throughout the Earth’s oceans, known as gyres. Because of ocean currents, a great majority of the plastic that ends up in the oceans finds its way into these garbage patches, poisoning marine life and ending up in the food supply of the planet. Toxic […]