LONG BEACH, Calif.—Michael German, key assistant location manager for film and television with ABC/Disney, said he felt “very uplifted” after seeing Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Terrace Theater on March 18. “I loved it, it was as good as I’d hoped it would be,” Mr. German said. “It was a really, really professional and […]
Posts Tagged ‘enlightening’
Shen Yun Is ‘Very Educational and Enlightening,’ Says Location Manager for Film and Television
Shen Yun ‘Culturally Enlightening,’ Says Canadian Military Chaplain
OTTAWA, Canada—Father David Berezowski, director of administration for the Military Ordinariate of Canada, thought that Shen Yun Performing Arts is not only aesthetically beautiful, but also has a relatable spiritual aspect. “It’s excellent. I found it culturally enlightening and so vivid with the colours, and the dancers are top-notch,” Father Berezowski said after seeing Shen Yun at […]
Vipassana – A Brutal but Enlightening 10 Days of Silence
Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times “Learn this from water: loud splashes the brook, but the ocean’s depths are calm.” ~Buddha How would you handle no phone, no television, no reading, no books or magazines, no writing in a journal, no distractions, and no contact with the people who normally keep you engaged with […]
The Reality of Truth: An Enlightening Journey Into Different Levels of Consciousness (Documentary)
We are living in a time that is equal parts chaos and creativity, as the world around us is changing at an-ever increasing rate. Politics, society, and culture as we know it are in the midst of an unprecedented evolution, which seems to be happening due in part to a massive paradigm shift. As many […]